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2014 Review and Hope and Fears for 2015: Ted Sandbach of Oxford Wines

Published:  31 December, 2014

Ted Sandbach, managing director of independent wine merchant the Oxford Wine Company, talks about plans to open a new wine bar in 2015, and how deep supermarket discounting is still a serious challenge for independents.


2014 Review and Hopes and Fears for 2015: Jerry Lockspeiser, Off Piste Wines

Published:  31 December, 2014

Jerry Lockspeiser, chairman of Off Piste Wines and serial wine industry entrepreneur as well as Harpers columnist, gives his thoughts on why 2015 may be a "crossroads year" for the retail trade, and how we are still "failing to inspire" wine drinkers.


2014 Review and Hopes and Fears for 2015: Doug Wood of WoodWinters

Published:  30 December, 2014

Doug Wood, owner of Scottish independent merchant WoodWinters, lets off steam about supermarkets, credit control and 'parasitic internet-only' retailers, while looking forward to lots of Christmas presents from staff.


2014 Review and Hopes and Fears for 2015: John McLaren

Published:  30 December, 2014

John McLaren, UK director of the Wine Institute of California, on how the UK has changed to become a fresh land of opportunity for Californian producers, how it's in a 'holding pattern' with grocers, and why he 'may scream' if he's told to 'engage with consumers' again.


2014 Review and Hopes and Fears for 2015: Kingsland's Neil Anderson

Published:  29 December, 2014

Neil Anderson, marketing director at Kingsland, considers how and why brands need to think more about consumers for the year ahead, and reckons companies should be looking to those outside the category for inspiration.


Video: 2014's Wine Vision conference highlights

Published:  29 December, 2014

November's Wine Vision conference brought together the great and the good of the wine world - and focused on everything from how the brain ventriloquises taste to the need to "drag more consumers into the category".


2014 Review and Hopes and Fears for 2015: Mission Estate's Giles James

Published:  29 December, 2014

Giles James, UK business development manager for New Zealand's Mission Estate, talks about Kim Kardashian breaking the internet, why provenance is a major opportunity, and why Noble Inns is one to watch.


2014 Review and Hopes and Fears for 2015: Cambridge Wine Company's Hal Wilson

Published:  26 December, 2014

Hal Wilson, managing director of independent merchant Cambridge Wine Company, gives us the low-down on opening a new wine bar, Cahors wines making a comeback and why he's watching this space with Philglas & Swiggot.


2014 Review and Hopes and Fears for 2015: PLB's John Osborne

Published:  26 December, 2014

John Osborne, managing director of the PLB trading division at Bibendum PLB, talks about the 'year of transformation', how retailers must adapt to the changes in how consumers shop and further supplier consolidation into next year.


2014 Review and Hopes and Fears for 2015: Australian Vintage's Julian Dyer

Published:  26 December, 2014

Julian Dyer, general manager for UK & Europe at Australian Vintage, talks about McGuigan breaking into the Top 5 global wine brands in the UK, consolidation in the supply sector, and why he's back the WSTA's Drop the Duty campaign.


2014 Review and Hopes and Fears for 2015: Joe Wadsack

Published:  25 December, 2014

The new wine 'face' of BBC's Food & Drink programme Joe Wadsack fills us in on Balkan wines, presenting on the Beeb and why London's on-trade margins are 'taking the mick'.


2014 Review and Hopes and Fears for 2015: WSTA chief Miles Beale

Published:  25 December, 2014

Miles Beale, chief executive of the Wine & Spirits Trade Association, says the industry's progress against the Responsibility Deal is something to shout about. Meanwhile he's gearing up the pre-Budget Drop the Duty campaign and planning to engage with government after 2015's General Election.


2014 Review and Hopes and Fears for 2015: Waitrose's Pierpaolo Petrassi

Published:  25 December, 2014

Pierpaolo Petrassi MW, head of beers, wines and spirits at Waitrose shares his thoughts on grocery retail's decline, his inspiration from the team at Waitrose and why we should all be watching Amazon.


2014 Review and Hopes and Fears for 2015: Origin Wines' Bernard Fontannaz

Published:  24 December, 2014

Bernard Fontannaz, founder of Origin Wines, talks about the 'game-changing' supply base consolidation and what 2015 has in store in his review of the year.


2014 Review and Hopes and Fear for 2015: Direct Wine Shipments Neal McAlindon

Published:  24 December, 2014

Neal McAlindon, director at Belfast's Direct Wine Shipments, tells why 2014 has been another good year, despite tricky market conditions in Northern Ireland.


Carlsberg UK signs pledges not to sell more than four units in one can

Published:  24 December, 2014

Carlsberg UK has committed to the government's Public Health Responsibility Deal pledge on packaging - stating it will not sell any carbonated product with more than four units of alcohol in a single-serve can.


Gordon's gin launches TV ad featuring boar on Christmas Eve

Published:  24 December, 2014

Gordon's, the UK's biggest selling gin brand, is launching a new TV ad featuring a boar this evening, as part of a £2 million marketing spend.


2014 Review and Hopes and Fears for 2015: Morrisons Mark Jarman

Published:  24 December, 2014

Mark Jarman, head of wine operations at Morrisons, relives the retailer's award-winning year and predicts further success for sherry and South American wines.


Drinks suppliers: Last chance to rate major retailers in our survey

Published:  23 December, 2014

2014 saw the drinks supply sector rocked by news of Tesco's accounting practices, and the subsequent suspension of the supermarket's BWS chief brought the scandal closer to home. We would like to find out how suppliers rate retailers across the board. 


2014 Review and Hopes and Fears for 2015: Guy Woodward

Published:  23 December, 2014

Harpers columnist Guy Woodward is the latest in our line-up of key industry figures to share their thoughts on 2014 and their predictions for 2015 with you.