Jerry Lockspeiser reviews the "inspiring" An Unlikely Vineyard by Deidre Heekin
Jerry Lockspeiser gives his assessment of the new book by Deidre Heekin: An Unlikely Vineyard.
Read more...Jerry Lockspeiser gives his assessment of the new book by Deidre Heekin: An Unlikely Vineyard.
Read more...MSC students at Burgundy's School of Wine & Spirts came out top last week in an "Oenology Challenge" competition with winemaking students at Plumpton College.
Read more...I hate February with all my heart. And it's not just because it's that miserable time of year that I have my annual bath. Nor is it solely down to the fact that I have the charisma, predominantly, of an Ogre intent on spoiling a party.
Read more...If you've missed the exciting news of wine trade supergroup Skin Contact performing next month, then you must have been hiding under a rock. Guest starlet Anne Jones, of Waitrose, reveals her musical delights.
Read more...Is it really 16 years since Vinopolis opened its doors to the public? I can clearly remember the hoopla and sense of anticipation that accompanied the launch of London's self-styled "premier wine-tasting experience and visitor attraction".
Read more...Anyone in the wine trade who has been on the receiving end of a review by wine critic and journalist Tim Atkin MW - good or bad - will get the chance to give him a critique back when he bravely takes the stage as one of the guest singers for the ever growing Skin Côntact band when it plays its one off gig on March 9 to raise money for Comic Relief.
Read more...I found out recently that in the world of journalism it's apparently OK to mock the prophet Mohammad, but offending a Wine Critic is just one step too far.
Read more...Why is crowdfunding so inherently exciting? The heady emotional mix of allure, participation, open access, opportunity, creativity and success is hard to resist.
Read more...We've met the band, the backing singers and plugged the concert enough to surely convince you to buy a ticket for wine band Skin Côntact's one-off concert on March 9 at London's Vinopolis to raise money for Comic Relief.
Read more...It's time to bang the drum, literally, for the last member of the Skin Côntact rock band that promises to give us the night of the year when it takes to the stage on March 9 at London's Vinopolis to raise money for Comic Relief.
Read more...Those of the more fortunate readers amongst you who can cough up the annual Harpers Wine mag subscription fee were treated this month to Tim Atkin's take on the imminent closure of London's Vinopolis. But is his critique a fair reflection of the state of affairs at London's premier wine venue?
Read more...Today we remember the late, great Orson Welles famous not only for his pioneering work as a film director, but also for his ability to shift (and drink) so much alcohol during his career. Yes, who can forget his booming voice overs for all those Carlsberg TV commercials and the great "Carlsberg. Probabaly the best lager in the world" punchlline.
Read more...It doesn't matter how much you try, you can't polish a turd. At least that was the lesson this week for the poor old sods that work at Boots as they embarked on damage limitation following an almighty foul-up at the High Street pharmacy chain.
Read more...If the thought of wine legends Joe Wadsack and Charles Metcalfe singing along to the sounds of the wine trade's very own rock band Skin Côntact, was not enough to get you to their one off gig on March 9 at London's Vinopolis, then four more singers have just been added to the line up.
Read more...What is it about Australian wine videos with all their references to mother nature, the dirty soils, the sweaty growers and the super production values?
Read more...Tickets are now on sale for what promises to be one of the major wine events of the year - yes the performance of its very own band, Skin Côntact, which hopes to raise a lot of money for Comic Relief when they take to the stage at London's Vinopolils on March 9.
Read more...Here's a novel way to celebrate receiving the highest ever score for a Chilean wine - match the accomplishment by climbing to the top of your country's highest mountain.
Read more...What could the wine industry learn from the perfume one?