"Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine." Humphery Bogart as Rick Blaine, Casablanca.
Read more...Simple advice to grab fine wine at fair prices
Read more...The Claret Pimpernel is lucky enough to visit some pretty darn smart places around the world, but few can match this place!
Read more...The UK wine trade should stop lamenting the fact the average consumer is looking to buy cheaper wine and work harder to convince them to do otherwise, according to leading wine consultant Jerry Lockspeiser.
Read more...Last month we gave you a sneak preview of British heart throb Jude Law's new new short film promoting Johnnie Walker Blue Label and now here is the real thing in all its glory.
Read more...As if the wine trade wasn't already overloaded with BS, it seems the latest fad is wine and music pairing.
Read more...An elegant red from Greece which hints at better things to come
Read more...We all know how madly competitive the restaurant world can be with seemingly every trick in the book being deployed to entice customers in through the door.
Read more...A short yet intense 2-day trip to the Mosel proved very fruitful, hard work for the legs and overall a rather holy experience. Her Egon Muller may have just re-baptised me and a whole bunch of other avid wine lovers into the divine glories of Riesling.
Read more...Steven Gerrard is the first to kick start our My Choice series where we ask leading figures in the trade for their favourite drinks, and where and when they would like to drink them. If you would like to join in and send yours then email your answers to the list below to richard.siddle@wrbm.com.
Read more...Albion Racing Club Captains: Making beverages cool or bust!
Read more...Ted Sandbach of the Oxford Wine Company has become the exclusive UK importer for a special Downton Abbey range of wines, created by French producer, Les Grands Chais de France.
Read more...Move over Hugh Bonneville, Downtown Abbey has a new cast.
Read more...Andrew Shaw, head of buying at Bibendum Wine, is the latest wine industry stalwart to sign up to take part in the upcoming Médoc Marathon in Bordeaux to help raise money in memory of Michael Cox, the former UK head of Wines of Chile.
Read more...These were some of our top spirits to try this week. Sipsmith Sipping Vodka, Tito's Handmade Vodka and Chairman's Reserve Finest St Lucia Rum
Read more...It's hard to imagine Jancis Robinson doing a stand-up routine at London's Comedy Store isn't it? Yet, after reading her take on the recent Master of Wine examination papers it would seem to me that she has all the hallmarks of a good humorist.
Read more...OK I may be biased having been brought up, schooled, educated and shown the way to a good life on the Wirral, but this week's Open golf championship at the Royal Liverpool Golf Course in Hoylake only reminds me of what a wonderful place it is.
Read more...The Claret Pimpernel scoured Twitter to find that conjured a smile or staight up caused a laugh out loud moment.