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Financial Times

Published:  23 July, 2008

JANCIS ROBINSON MW attends a tasting of 1996 red Bordeaux to see how the top bottles are faring 10 years on. The right bank is dismissed straight away and she comments: It was decided to focus on the left bank, Mdoc and Graves, as the 1996 vintage was so much more successful there than in St-Emilion and Pomerol.' A number of examples from Margaux and the southern Mdoc suffer from under-ripeness', although Graves leaves Robinson very impressed'. The first growths and the best of St-Estphes and St-Juliens are worth hanging on to, she says, whereas the Pauillacs are ready to drink now. Robinson's overall favourites include all five first growths, as well as Pichon Baron, Domaine de Chevalier and Loville Poyferr.
