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Pocket Picks

Published:  23 July, 2008

Monthly MAT breakdowns of wine sales provide an essential guide to the marketplace, giving retailers and shippers an important snapshot of where the market is heading. But not all data is collected, or made available, on a month-by-month basis; and when the long view is required - producers work to an annual cycle, for example - series based on the calendar year can provide useful additional detail. And while sales data
are pre-eminent in the short run, volume data comes into its own when a longer perspective is required. In order to build
a multidimensional picture of the UK drinks industry, incorporating on- as well as off-sales, the World Advertising Research Center (WARC) brings together numerous sources of data, including official imports and clearance statistics,
as well as household expenditure and regional breakdowns, in one convenient document. The Drink Pocket Book is published every October in association with AC Nielsen.


These are statistics provided by HM Customs & Excise for wines cleared for circulation within the UK. They are categorised by duty type and by country. Clearances represent 100% of goods legitimately on sale (but not necessarily sold within the year) in the UK.
