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Q&A: Terry Peabody, chairman, Craggy Range

Published:  11 September, 2013

American-born Australian Terry Peabody made money in waste management and logistics before establishing Craggy Range, a trail-blazing premium winery in New Zealand. He spoke to Richard Woodard


Anna Greenhous looks in to the different types and styles of sake

Published:  10 September, 2013

Anna Greenhous continues her series looking in to the specialist Japanese drink: sake. This month she explores the many different styles of sake.


Douglas Blyde enjoys fine dining courtesy of First Great Western's Pullman service

Published:  10 September, 2013

Douglas Blyde samples First Great Western's Pullman Service, the last train service in Europe to offer freshly prepared food paired with the finest wines.


Jo Seymour-Taylor, Stir Public Relations

Published:  09 September, 2013

Jo Seymour-Taylor, board director Stir Public Relations, picks out her wine and drinking choices


Carol Emmas: putting reduced and lower alcohol wines to the test

Published:  09 September, 2013

Ben Smith on why the Beautiful South tasting really is something different

Published:  06 September, 2013

The news that three of the major generic wine bodies were joining forces to present their wines in one single tasting in 2013 was greeted with plenty of enthusiasm in many quarters.  There has been a growing feeling in recent years that the single 'Wines of Xxx' tastings, which have served both exhibitors and visitors well over several years, have become jaded and predictable, and therefore all too easily avoidable.


A new way with Vinoteca

Published:  06 September, 2013

Dominic Midgley looks at how Charlie Young and Brett Woonton created a new way of eating and drinking out with Vinoteca.


Geoffrey Dean: why Chene Bleu deserves its "Super Rhone" reputation?

Published:  05 September, 2013

When Harpers gave its Best Label Design Award for 2010 to Chene Bleu, months of original thought by the French winery's co-owner, Nicole Rolet, were recognised. The wines, first made in 2006, were very good too, even if they needed time to evolve, but their development in the past three years has lifted them to super premium level. Plaudits have rolled in from the likes of Bettane, Robinson, Parker and Spurrier, with the Frenchman trumpeting Chene Bleu as a new 'grand cru.' As a winery can't officially be one in this part of southern France, a 'Super Rhone' is perhaps more apt, particularly as the domaine has followed the example of the Super Tuscans in sidestepping appellation rules. One day,  Chene Bleu may be spoken of with the same reverence as Sassicaia and Ornellaia. Its wines are that exceptional.


Douglas Blyde heads up to Aqua Shard

Published:  03 September, 2013

The Shard - tallest skyscraper in the EU, nine years in the planning, and three-and-a-half years in the building - is the vision of Renzo Piano. The "best buildings" of the Genoese architect evoke such"serenity" claims former New York Times critic, Nicolai Ouroussoff, as to "almost make you believe that we live in a civilized world."


Alistair Morrell: what wine judging can learn from food awards

Published:  01 September, 2013

On a beautiful sunny day a couple of weeks back I drive down to Gillingham, that's not the Kentish one, but the market town in Dorset knowing not what awaits me. The  'Great Taste' awards have run since 1994 organised by the Guild of Fine Food, "promoting excellence in speciality food". In that time over 80,000 products have been blind-tasted by judges including top restaurateurs, chefs, food critics, fine food retailers, buyers and cookery writers.


Siobhan Irons, buyer, Matthew Clark

Published:  31 August, 2013

Here are Siobhan Irons' favourite wine and food choices:


Enter Story Headline

Published:  31 August, 2013

Miles Beale: WSTA's ceo on challenges facing the trade after minimum unit pricing success

Published:  30 August, 2013

Minimum unit pricing (MUP) has been high on the political agenda over the past 12 months with many column inches dedicated to discussing a policy which has never been implemented anywhere in the world.   


Katherine Canfield: how wholesaling can tie merchants and restaurants together

Published:  29 August, 2013

In her second column looking at her new life as an independent merchant helping to run Hangingditch wine merchants in Manchester, Katherine Canfield looks at the complexities of also offering a wholesale service


Laura Clay on how Bordeaux is taking on the New World - at last!

Published:  27 August, 2013

As an accredited Bordeaux tutor, Médoc ambassador, claret drinker, Bordeaux Blanc lover, sweetie fanatic and occasional primeur buyer, I'd really quite like the Bordeaux bashing bandwagon to come to an end.


Valerie Lewis's move to Enotria opens door for Alex Layton

Published:  27 August, 2013

The last month has seen a number of changes amongst senior marketing and communications roles at major wine companies in the UK with Valerie Lewis, formerly of Negociants UK, replacing Ben Smith as head of communications at Enotria following his recent move to take up the same role at Concha y Toro. Alex Layton has subsequently moved from Westbury Communications to take over Lewis' head of marketing and publicity role at Negociants UK.


Douglas Blyde: Up the Shard

Published:  22 August, 2013

Michael Karam: The Lebanese red and white debate

Published:  20 August, 2013

For some reason my radio in London is tuned to LBC, the capital's talk radio station. I really should twiddle the knob along to Radio 4 but there something comforting about the "I say get rid of the lot of 'em, I do" right-wing cabbie rants, don't you think? 


Q&A: Charles Sichel, export director, Maison Sichel

Published:  16 August, 2013

With customers tiring of high prices on the Bordeaux marketplace, Katherine Canfield talks to Charles Sichel at Maison Sichel about
how the company remains competitive in the global wine trade


Q&A: Richard Cochrane, Félix Solís UK

Published:  16 August, 2013

Bibendum's former trading director is to spearhead Félix Solís's new UK office. He tells Shirley Kumar why the direct model can offer efficiency and economies of scale to the UK