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Drink pink

Published:  23 July, 2008

In the summer of 2006, the barbeques were fired up and bottles of the pink stuff flew off the shelves.

Have you increased your ros listings over the past few years, and if so, do you see this trend continuing?

Yes, we see the trend continuing due to our high selling, especially in thesummer months.

What types of ros have you had the most success with?

We have three ross at the moment on our wine list: a dry ros from Bordeaux; a smooth but full-bodied Sancerre ros; and a fruity and light ros from Spain. They are all successful, but the Sancerre is the best selling.

Who is drinking ros?

Nearly everyone is drinking ros. With the different styles that we offer, it is easy to please every palate.

Can ross be taken seriously as a food match?

Yes. If you match the dry ros from Bordeaux with a rack of lamb, you will emphasise the texture of the meat without worrying about what the accompanying vegetables might be. Or you could try the fruity Spanish ros with salmon fishcake, which elevates the freshness of the fish and loses the heaviness of the frying.

Can ross ever rise to the prominence of red and white wines on wine lists?

Ros is more of a personal, emotional taste. It's easier to pick a red or white, because you need to know about ros before choosing it.
