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Lower-alcohol wine from Banrock Station

Published:  23 July, 2008

Banrock Station, the Constellation-owned Australian brand, has launched Crimson Cabernet Sauvignon, a lower-alcohol red wine, to the UK market, following a successful launch in its homeland.

The wine has an abv of 9%, and is described as light crimson in colour, with sweet cherry and plum fruit flavours, and is lightly spritzed'. A Banrock Station spokeswoman said the lower alcohol level is a result of the natural fermentation process, leaving some residual sugar, and appealing to drinkers looking for a lighter, off-dry wine'. The wine has a listing in Sainsbury's and will sell for 4.79.

Claire Griffiths, Constellation Europe's vice-president of brand marketing, told Harpers: We recognised the opportunity that exists for lower-alcohol wines. There are a number of consumers who are put off by the higher-alcohol styles, and the drier styles that tend to be in the marketplace now.'
