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Drinks One to ‘revolutionise’ drinks brands’ path to market

Published:  01 November, 2023

New drinks agency Drinks One has launched an ecommerce arm aimed at both trade and consumer as part of its disruptive strategy to allow brands to bypass the traditional middleman.

In a move to “address the challenges that drinks brands, especially smaller ones, face when entering the UK”, the self-styled ‘next generation’ company is offering brands a way to sidestep importer and distributor cuts, also allowing those brands to set their pricing.

The brainchild of drinks industry veterans James Shelbourne, David Proctor, Mike Beavan and Nick Worthington (pictured, L-R), who between them claim over 80 years' experience across the spirits, beer and wine sectors, Drinks One was launched in April 2023 as a “distribution incubator” to brands that are new to market.

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As part of that incubator service, the agency offers advisory services for brands as they grow, with the new ecommerce arm completing what it describes as a full-solution service.

“Drinks One is looking to disrupt the drinks industry distribution status quo by modernising traditional processes, empowering everyone from producer to bartenders to consumer in the process. Our founding team was brought together by a mutual understanding that the industry needed an upgrade to meet modern demands,” said the trio in a joint statement.

“By streamlining distribution channels with efficient tech-based solutions, we essentially establish a solution where everyone wins and we get to introduce some of most exciting and innovative new brands to the world.”

As such, the company joins a small but growing number of those that have sought to sidestep the middleman, protecting margin for producers, while seeking to deliver the retailer and/or consumer a good deal.

Drinks One has already begun the role out of its planned quarterly live trade events, with a showcase during London Cocktail Week in mid-October at Hart Shoreditch, with further London events planned for April and October 2024, plus a Manchester showcase in June.

Drinks One’s current brands include the likes of Heavensake (the clue is in the name), Ocean beer, Yaguara cachaça, Equiano rums, Neurita Tequila, Why Not Sodas and Balearic spirits.
