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Champagne robbery

Published:  23 July, 2008

A lorry-load of Champagne du Mont Hauban was stolen last week from a lorry in a secure' park off the M11 motorway near Stansted.
Retailers and wholesalers are being asked to watch out for suspicious offers' by the sole importer of the brand, Champers Limited.
As well as the Champagne, a quantity of 2004 Chablis and 2004 Chablis Premier Cru Mont de Milieu' from Domaine Billaud-Simon was also stolen.
PC Martin Pawley at Dunmow Police (01376551312) is dealing with the case.

A lorry-load of Champagne du Mont Hauban was stolen last week from a lorry in a ?secure? park off the M11 motorway near Stansted.

Retailers and wholesalers are being asked to watch out for ?suspicious offers? by the sole importer of the brand, Champers Limited.

As well as the Champagne, a quantity of 2004 Chablis and 2004 Chablis Premier Cru ?Mont de Milieu? from Domaine Billaud-Simon was also stolen.

PC Martin Pawley at Dunmow Police (01376551312) is dealing with the case.
