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Published:  23 July, 2008

Napa Valley Vintners' (NVV) long-running battle with the producer of Two-Buck Chuck', Bronco Wine Company, reached the US Supreme Court last week. The NVV filed a brief with the US's highest legal body in response to a petition from Bronco requesting that the Supreme Court overturn a decision in favour of the NVV handed down by the California Supreme Court. The battle surrounds Bronco's wish to sell a brand named Napa Ridge, despite it containing no grapes from the Napa Valley. The Ninth Circuit Court in San Francisco, the first court that heard the case, originally sided with Bronco, a decision that was then overturned by the California Supreme Court. The US Supreme Court has 60 days to decide wether it will hear the case. The bottom line is that a wine label shouldn't suggest the grapes come from Napa unless they really do,' said Linda Reiff, director of the NVV.
