By Jack Hibberd
Blueridge, the sloping' Bulgarian wine brand, is toasting the success of its recent PR campaign, which culminated in a ten-minute slot on Channel 4's Richard and Judy Show. The story started with an M&C Saatchi-designed advert that publicised Blueridge's new sloping wine bottle featuring a man with a similarly sloping haircut (christened the Ridge Cut'). The Ridge Cut was then picked up by London fashionistas keen to stay at hair's cutting edge. Clive Colman, a partner in London's ber-cool Burlington's salon, said he has seen people coming in to the salon with a picture of it, and one person came in holding the bottle itself. It is an amazing concept and looks great with the longer, denser section of hair across one eye.' The new haircut was then publicised in UK-trade magazine Hairdressers Journal. The Guardian Online and then The Independent (where it was featured in a half-page splash) followed after a press release from PR agency R&R Teamwork. Finally the story made its way to TV when the Channel 4 show featuring Richard Madeley and Judy Finnegan decided to give four models the Ridge Cut. It's great to get the brand out there, especially as the focus has been on its USP,' said the marketing manager for Blueridge's producer, Boyar Estates. Since the new design was launched sales have increased around 20 to 25%,' he added.