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One man's meat

Published:  18 January, 2007

New Zealanders have to endure being mistaken for their trans-Tasman neighbours with regular monotony. Yes, there's that antipodean twang, which as a new Kiwi I must admit to having confused myself. And the country does admittedly share numerous characteristics with Australia. However, those making the effort to take a closer look at the country's politics, climate, geography and indeed its wine industry, should detect some very different dynamics.


Letters: On New Zealand

Published:  18 January, 2007

I read with great interest your excellent supplement on New Zealand; it is always good to have a critical view from abroad. I would, however, like to take issue with Stephen Skelton MW in his article An English MW in New Zealand' (p.14), which lays several claims that are essentially incorrect.


Focus on-trade: The Analyst

Published:  18 January, 2007

John Hoskins MW is the MW student's MW, thanks to his ability as a communicator and taster. The admonishment is less stinging, and the encouragement more uplifting, because of his evident integrity, informed opinion and passion, and sound priorities. The same qualities shine through in his list at The Old Bridge Hotel in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire (where he also
has three inns), making him the wine lover's restaurateur as well.