The Wine & Spirit Education Trust has put a freeze on the pricing of WSET courses, examinations and materials for the coming academic year.
The Wine & Spirit Education Trust has put a freeze on the pricing of WSET courses, examinations and materials for the coming academic year.
The decision to hold prices at the 2009 level is in a bid to ensure there are no hurdles put in the way of companies wishing to train their staff or their customers for 2010/11, according to the not-for-profit organisation.
Chief executive Ian Harris said: "We recognise that it has been a tough year for all sectors of the wine and spirit industry, with the economic climate placing a greater strain on training budgets than ever before. The UK industry in particular has been badly hit, which has also had an effect on the candidates taking a WSET qualification in UK.
"Happily, the international growth of WSET qualifications has more than compensated for the decline in the UK, and with only a couple of weeks to go before our year-end, we expect to have achieved an overall growth of 7% on the previous year."
Harris added that over the last eight years, candidate numbers have grown from under 11,000 in 2002 to the current annual figure of over 27,000.
Further details of WSET's courses and qualifications can be found at