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Union condemns Diageo cuts

Published:  06 July, 2009

Diageo is facing increasing pressure over its decision to axe 900 jobs at production and packaging facilities in Scotland.

Diageo is facing increasing pressure over its decision to axe 900 jobs at production and packaging facilities in Scotland.

Unite, the UK's largest trade union which represents workers at the Kilmarnock and Port Dundas plants, has called for a "detailed financial audit" of Diageo's trading performance to be carried out to justify the cuts.

Regional industrial officer Jim Winter said: "Diageo's cuts will devastate these communities, so the very least they owe these loyal workers is a proper explanation of why they are being thrown on the scrapheap.

"We believe the company does not need to pursue such drastic action and we fully intend to fight to defend these jobs."

Diageo has already faced criticism for its plans from Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond.

The company has pledged there will be no compulsory redundancies at either plant in the next 12 months.
