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LIWF 2008: Day One Round-up

Published:  23 July, 2008

As the dust settles on the first day of the London International Wine Fair (LIWF) 2008, pulls together the highlights.

News Items

Flagstone head says South Africa is not 'New World'

UK gets greener with bulk and lightweighting

Sovio returns to UK

Quotes of the Day

"An 800-gram bottle for blockbuster Shiraz is or should be a thing of the past." Rob Bowen, Houghton Winery, offers his take on packaging at Constellation's panel debate with New World winemakers.

"I don't consider ourselves New World. The term has nothing to do with soil. In terms of Terroir, South Africa is the Old World." Bruce Jack, Flagstone Winery, makes his feelings clear.

"Whisky companies try to rebrand themselves to appeal to the trendy but sometimes it looks like your dad in combats doing an embarrassing dance." David Brown, Whyte & Mackay on trade sales director, tells it how it is.

Heard it on the Grapevine

"We're planning on doing a Cabernet Merlot symposium in Hawkes Bay with New Zealand winegrowers for the first time ever." Nicholas Buck, Te Mata Estate sales and marketing director. Warren Adamson, UK director for New Zealand Winegrowers, confirmed it's likely to happen in early 2009.

Most sought-after seminar of the day

It might have only kicked off at 5:00 but the great and the good were queuing around the block for Tim Atkin's Spanish Masterclass.

Photo of the Day

The Pinky Vodka girls do their bit to attract visitors to Distil.
