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Rmy Cointreau profits driven by champagne sales

Published:  23 July, 2008

Champagne sales at French drinks firm Rmy Cointreau helped to drive annual turnover up to 817.8 million (657.7m).

Piper-Heidsieck achieved the strongest growth in its traditional markets (Benelux, the UK, the US, Germany and Spain) and spearheaded 15.4% organic growth for the company's champagne portfolio.

This was the largest organic growth in Rmy Cointreau's portfolio from April 2007 to March 2008 with liquers & spirits and cognac registering 4.3% and 11.5% increases respectively.

Across the whole group there was a 9.7% growth in sales over this period, which is the strongest organic growth for Rmy Cointreau since 2000.
