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Published:  23 July, 2008

By Tim Atkin

The ISO tasting glass should be replaced with a new standard tasting glass, according to Austrian glass manufacturer Georg Riedel. Speaking at a Circle of Wine Writers' tasting at Kettners in London on 14 November, Riedel said that the ISO glass produces very one-dimensional wines' and should have at least three times [as much] volume'. The great advantage' of the ISO glass, admitted Riedel, is that it provides a common standard. You are using the same instrument to taste a wine. In a series of different glasses,' he added, your notes and judgement would be very different.' The problem with the glass, however, is its size. The bowl does not open up enough air space to offer complexity', although it is good for aromatic whites and Port. The glass is terrible for reds, because it accentuates the tannins' Riedel was in London to promote Vinum Extreme, his new range of machine-made, lead crystal glasses. Riedel also gave a presentation and tasting with five of Austria's leading winemakers: Willi Brndlmayer of Weingut Brndlmayer, Alois Kracher of Weinlaubenhof Kracher, Fritz Miesbauer of Freie Weingrtner Wachau, Michael Moosbrugger of Schloss Gobelsburg and Silvia Prieler of Weingut Familie Prieler discussed their wines and winemaking techniques, and how the glassware worked for them.
