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Curb on shooter promotions

Published:  23 July, 2008

The Portman Group is to curb suppliers promoting the rapid drinking of slammers and shooters.

The consultation asked: Should the Code contain a new provision that discourages rapid drinking or the 'downing' of a drink (effectively preventing the marketing of a drink as a shooter or slammer)?

Bacardi Brown-Forman responded:"No, we believe that the reference to irresponsible or immoderate consumption within the current code also covers the behaviour around rapid, or 'speed drinking."

SAB Miller said: "Encouragement of rapid drinking should not be tolerated however a drink in a single-serve container does not necessarily have to be consumed hazardously.

"We do not believe, however, that non-traditional containers (e.g. test tubes) should be permitted."

Royal College of Physicians responded: "We abhor the culture within society whereby drunkenness is tolerated and indeed encouraged.

"Any kind of marketing which encourages excessive consumption should be prohibited in an effort to change culture to a more responsible behaviour.

"We therefore suggest Yes (to the question)."

Wolverhampton & Dudley Breweries said: "We recognise that 'shots' and 'shooters' are not likely to encourage responsible drinking and so we are supportive of increased controls in this area.

"However, we do not have control over consumer behaviour. It would be very possible that a consumer could order, for example, a measure of Tequila served in a large glass and then 'shoot' it of his own volition.

"As a result we agree with the approach that explicit encouragement of rapid drinking should be disallowed as the most practical way forward."
