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Webinar: Tune in for a taster of the allure of Languedoc rosé

Published:  28 April, 2023

With rosé an ever-popular category, Harpers is teaming up with Vignobles Foncalieu to explore the opportunities offered by the Languedoc’s incredibly diverse offer.

Our latest free webinar, Exploring diversity in rosé and how Languedoc is well placed to lead the charge, which is scheduled for 2.30pm on Wednesday 10 May, will bring together leading trade voices to debate the possibilities offered by this region’s pink wines.

At the heart of the discussion lies a pertinent question – namely, if rosé is such a popular category with consumers, why isn’t the trade doing more to flesh out the offer with greater choice on lists and shelves?

Using diverse styles from the Foncalieu portfolio as a launchpad for the debate, the panel will endeavour to answer that question and explore the role of rosés in their myriad styles from Languedoc and beyond.

Registration is now open, so do sign up to this free webinar and join us to discover more by clicking here.
