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Published:  18 December, 2019

Fermentation 1, Hawkins Lane, Finzels Reach, Bristol BS1 6JQ

Finzels Reach, one of Bristol’s most exciting new social hotspots, has welcomed Bocabar to its waterside community. A Bristol favourite that is well-known for its Paintworks-based site, Bocabar opened its latest venue last month, offering breakfast, lunch and dinner, including a new menu of small and big plates focusing on small, local suppliers’ seasonal produce, a selection of 20 of the most loved Boca pizzas as well as burgers and salads. From cocktails to specialist gins to local craft beers and wines, Bocabar offers something for everyone. The inside has an eclectic feel, combining a vintage and rustic look with a little bit of luxury – think velvet drapes in the doorways, vintage lamps, and reclaimed wood and copper features.
