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Not the best of British

Published:  18 January, 2007

I totally agree with Conal Gregory's letter in last week's issue (A G8 shame', Harpers, 22 July).

Yes, Mr Blair did miss a golden opportunity to showcase English and Welsh wines at the G8 dinner. But then Mr Blair is more interested in international matters rather than national problems. Can you imagine a summit of this importance in France not serving French wines?

Alan Mayne

The Wine Broker

via e-mail

The plaintive plea in your contents page last week (22 July) - Why no British Wine for G8 leaders?' - made me turn hungrily to page seven to see what wag could be proposing that the world's great and good should experience those peculiarly British C2DE delights. But no, it was just Conal Gregory making a serious point about English and Welsh Wine. It rather heightens the hollowness of the British argument - even as put forward by the Ministry - that everyone understands what British Wine' means.

David Sills

Brown Cooper Monier-Williams Solicitors

via e-mail
