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Delivery and takeaway has legs as May sales boom

Published:  17 June, 2021

CGA’s latest Hospitality at Home Tracker shows that takeaway and delivered sales from restaurant and pub groups in GB were 273% higher in May this year versus May 2019, despite the return of eating indoors in the second half of the month.


Online sales still booming

Published:  15 June, 2021

Sales of alcohol online have remained strong despite the fuller opening of the on-trade, signalling how buying BWS online has become a way of life during the pandemic, as Jo Gilbert reports.


On-trade groups report 26% sales dip in May

Published:  14 June, 2021

Britain’s managed bar, restaurant and pub groups recorded a 26% drop in total sales in May compared with the same month in 2019, according to the latest edition of the Coffer CGA Business Tracker.


Retail gin sales hit all time high

Published:  10 June, 2021

Sales of gin in the retail sector have continued to soar during the pandemic, up 30% over the past 12 months.


LWC eyes expansion

Published:  03 June, 2021

LWC Drinks has revealed it is on the acquisition trail while also unveiling ambitious plans for the DTC (direct to consumer) side of the business. 


Home delivery and takeaway continued to boom in April

Published:  25 May, 2021

Despite the easing of on-trade restrictions, April delivered another bumper month for home delivery and takeaway dining from restaurant groups, with sales 345% higher than April 2019.


Sizing up Spain

Published:  24 May, 2021

Despite the twin pressures of Covid and Brexit, Spain’s wines have managed to stay in relatively good shape thanks to an uplift in off-trade sales. Andrew Catchpole reports.


‘First-day back’ sales see 25% uplift for bars and restaurants on 17 May

Published:  20 May, 2021

After five weeks of outdoor-only trading, CGA research has revealed a strong start to the week for managed groups as consumers make the most of being able to drink and eat indoors for the first time since December.


April delivers ‘solid’ outdoor trading for on-trade groups able to open

Published:  14 May, 2021

Managed pub and restaurant groups able to deliver outdoor service managed to deliver 74% of normal sales in April compared with the same period in 2019, but overall sales were 60% down with a majority still closed.


Digital strategies and synergies continue to rise in importance as businesses physically reopen

Published:  13 May, 2021

Online services continue to grow in importance, key sources have highlighted this week, as online retail sales continue to strengthen despite physical stores reopening, and as digital strategies and e-booking becomes more important than ever for bars and restaurants re-launching to demob-happy crowds.


Indies: Shaken, not stirred

Published:  26 April, 2021

The pandemic has been a “wake-up call” for the industry, a panel of leading merchants told audience members told Jo Gilbert at our Think Insights retailing sector briefing, as businesses face stock and other challenges to meet soaring spirits sales. 


Pent up demand delivers bigger post-lockdown bounce than 2020

Published:  21 April, 2021

Pubs, bars and restaurants able to operate outdoor space have seen a significant wave of customers returning, according to new data from CGA.


South America: Strength in adversity

Published:  29 March, 2021

Despite the difficulties of 2020, the pandemic has accelerated ideas within the South American – and indeed global – wine trade that might have otherwise taken years to get off the ground. Chris Wilson reports


Think Insights: Spirits must target daytime eating and drinking

Published:  25 March, 2021

Making the most of daytime, food-friendly occasions will be key to transferring sales from “highly engaged” yet usually evening-focused spirits consumers as the on-trade reopens, CGA has said.


Wine: a discombobulating ride?

Published:  04 March, 2021

Will we ever understand wine drinkers?


Independent alcohol sales enjoy January boom

Published:  15 February, 2021

Newly released data shows that January 2021 saw an increase in demand for alcohol from independent businesses, along with an increase in the price tag compared to 2020.


Soaring demand for rosé and exports at Nyetimber

Published:  15 February, 2021

Nyetimber has reported a major spike in demand for rosé in 2020 from their south east England vineyards, despite the loss of social drinking occasions often associated with pink wines.


Jerry Lockspeiser: The wine and book markets are eerily similar

Published:  02 February, 2021

What can wine learn from other sectors of the economy? How do they add value to their products, communicate with consumers, achieve profitability?


Long Read: A virtual Christmas will pave the course for 2021

Published:  17 December, 2020

While big parties and large gatherings may be off the menu, premium drinks sales are still expected to grow this Christmas thanks to the rise and rise of online channels.


Jerry Lockspeiser: Britain 2021 – Fear or opportunity?

Published:  17 December, 2020

As we come to the end of this extraordinary year and look towards the future, are we filled with feelings of fear or opportunity, or a strange mix of both?