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Protect your gross margin from surprise supplier price hikes

Published:  03 October, 2014

It's an all too familiar problem Indies face. You sell out of wine, so you phone or email your supplier to order some more. The wine arrives from bond, DPD. You unpack the boxes and place the bottles on your shelves. Low and behold, within a few days you've sold the bulk of the wine you've just received. You're a happy little wine merchant! At least you are for now.


What are the chances of a pre-election duty cut?

Published:  29 September, 2014

News emerged this week that the Wine & Spirit Trade Association wants the industry to push for a cut of up to 2% in duty ahead of the pre-election budget.


Will the Scottish entrepreneurial spirit be the breakup of the Union?

Published:  10 September, 2014

This week saw the Yes campaign edge ahead in the latest "serious" opinion poll. As an Englishman with no connections to Scotland, this is indeed cause for cheer.


How the wrong business partner can seriously damage your wealth?

Published:  28 August, 2014

A few years ago I entered into a legally binding agreement with a new business partner, although it seems I wasn't really paying too much attention at the time.


There's more to wine and music pairing than I first thought

Published:  20 August, 2014

In a previous blog I was mocking the idea of music and wine pairing by suggesting that to do so is bordering on the moronic. How wrong I was!


Scotland votes, but why should anyone care about the result?

Published:  15 August, 2014

There was yet another story on OLN this week banging on about the devastating effects that an independent Scotland would have on the drinks industry both sides of the border. Countless articles have appeared in Harpers over recent weeks too, not to mention the main street press. Why should anyone care?


Would you care for some Jimi Hendrix with your glass Sir?

Published:  29 July, 2014

As if the wine trade wasn't already overloaded with BS, it seems the latest fad is wine and music pairing.


Is the Institute of Masters of Wine fit for purpose?

Published:  20 July, 2014

It's hard to imagine Jancis Robinson doing a stand-up routine at London's Comedy Store isn't it? Yet, after reading her take on the recent Master of Wine examination papers it would seem to me that she has all the hallmarks of a good humorist.


Are you hounded by PRS and PPL?

Published:  29 June, 2014

Stephen Forward reveals his tedious encounters, wrangles, and squabbles with these two beguiling organisations.


Seven steps to successful sales

Published:  24 June, 2014

I had one of those surreal dreams the other night that wouldn't be out of place in a Douglas Adams novel, where the whole world was inhabited only by a large population of Life Coaches. Everyone was really well organised, at peace with themselves and with each other, and all living a stress free life in sheer bliss.


Four key factors that impact retail sales

Published:  20 June, 2014

I've tried many different sales techniques over the years. In fact I've tried almost everything from dressing up as an oversized pink flamingo, to standing outside the shop with a large machete in a sadistic pose threatening passersby to "buy my friggin wine or else!" Plus a whole host of other methods in between.


Is being a Wine Critic the most pointless profession in the world?

Published:  16 June, 2014

The answer is NO, of course it isn't, and to suggest so is frankly preposterous, outrageous, and totally insulting...


Wine and tapas anyone?

Published:  12 June, 2014

This weekend I'm off to Rioja Tapas Fantasticas in London, an annual event to promote Rioja wine and food. I seldom get the chance to go out these days, but I have been granted rite of passage by my dear wife as long as I am on my best behaviour and as long as she gets a ticket too.


Why has it taken so long to solve the cork taint problem?

Published:  09 June, 2014

You know you're slowly turning into a sad old buffer when you start getting excited about advancements in Cork Technology.


Wine Investors, how about some fishing?

Published:  06 June, 2014

I had some fun this week baiting the wine investment community, an activity that always seems to brighten up my otherwise dull week -- in fact, I am hoping one day it becomes an Olympic sport! Another poor unsuspecting sole with undeclared vested interests in selling wine investment took the bait -- hook, line and sinker!


Masters of Wine and Scuba Divers have one thing in common, but what is it?

Published:  10 May, 2014

Stephen Forward takes a light-hearted look at the Institute of Masters of Wine programme, and shares his thoughts and questions on this mysteriously elitist organisation. Warning: This article may contain traces of nuts.


Your business is carbon neutral. What does that mean exactly?

Published:  06 May, 2014

The Green agenda is in vogue. But what does it all mean? Stephen Forward gets confused; neh flustered when trying to debunk this intriguing topic.


Is wine & breast milk really such a sour mix?

Published:  30 April, 2014

Stephen Forward questions the London Wine Fair's position towards breast feeding mums, and calls for a change in policy.


London Wine Fair: To go or not to go, that is the question?

Published:  24 April, 2014

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer, The train and commuters of outrageous fortune, Or to take the journey against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To drink: to taste, No more...or something to that effect...


It's confirmed, we're not alone, there is life on another planet!

Published:  19 April, 2014

For years scientists have pondered the idea that life may exist on a planet other than Earth. Countless money, running into billions of dollars, has been ploughed into research to answer this very simple question: Is there life on another planet? Well now we finally have the answer…