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Guy Woodward: Lobbing grenades at Majestic

Published:  14 March, 2018

Guy Woodward, former editor of Decanter


Guy Woodward: My 10 New Year’s resolutions

Published:  11 January, 2018



The week that was

Published:  22 September, 2017

In case you missed some of the headlines this week on, we have put together a review of the top online news, Q&As, and opinion stories.


Guy Woodward: Why the wine trade should be targeting the young

Published:  14 June, 2017

Twenty years ago it may have been, but I can safely say that my membership of Manchester University Wine Society was a successful one. Not in terms of laying the foundations for a career as editor of a well-respected consumer wine magazine, a notion that would have been laughable to both me and my fellow members at the time. No, its main, possibly only, benefit was in meeting girls – and accumulating the brazen gall to actually speak to them.


Why this isn't the time for the trade to seek a cut in duty

Published:  06 March, 2017

Being a passive observer, rather than an active member, of the wine trade can bring into focus how slow it is to change


Guy Woodward: Why is the wine trade still slow to deliver fulfilment?

Published:  09 February, 2017

As a middle-aged, middle-class man, my weekly highlight is Saturday morning, illuminated by a warm croissant (180ºC for eight minutes, served with passion fruit curd), a Nespresso coffee (medium froth, Ristretto pod) plus the weekend papers - and here's the most indulgent part - delivered to the door. 


Guy Woodward: Why are we so down on English fizz?

Published:  16 January, 2017

There was a degree of sniping when environment secretary Andrea Leadsom claimed recently that England was taking its place "among the world's most renowned wine producers".


Guy Woodward: Shouldn't Rioja just keep things simple?

Published:  08 December, 2016

It's the impossible question. And also, of course, the one that members of the trade are most frequently asked. "What's your favourite wine?" In the past, I always used to trot out the standard answer: "It depends" - on the occasion, the weather, the company, the mood and, of course, who's paying.


Guy Woodward: Why is the wine world so snotty about luxury?

Published:  16 November, 2016

My former colleague Adam Lechmere came out with a great line the other day.


Guy Woodward: Seven things I hate about the wine trade

Published:  05 October, 2016

Guy Woodward: Would you order a wine selected by an algorithm?

Published:  07 September, 2016

I'm in the market for a new car. Such a substantial purchase demands extensive research. Doubtless petrolheads would be in heaven at the prospect of debating fuel economy stats with like-minded car bores. For me, though, with my pitiful automotive knowledge, it is my worst nightmare.


Guy Woodward: British chefs love telling us to think local- until it comes to wine

Published:  15 August, 2016

Guy Woodward challenges- is it too much to expect that leading British restaurants carry an English wine by the glass?


Guy Woodward: Why wine is failing the hipster test

Published:  15 July, 2016

If there are two things that Brexit has taught us about the mindset of the consumer right now, it's that the prevailing mood is anti-establishment, and that, partly as a consequence, when it comes to communicating a message the detail is not as integral as the tone.


Guy Woodward: Why are women still under-represented in the wine trade?

Published:  10 June, 2016

Guy Woodward this month asks why women still under-represented in the wine trade when haveing women in all aspects of the business is so benefical. 


Guy Woodward: Reflecting on those we lost in the wine trade this year

Published:  29 April, 2016

For David Bowie, Terry Wogan and Ronnie Corbett, read Louis Latour, Paul Pontallier and Etienne Hugel. Maybe not in that order. But either way, 2016 has been as cruel a year in the wine community as it has in the wider world.


Guy Woodward: We need to ditch wine's elitist reputation

Published:  01 April, 2016

Guy Woodward reflects on how any wine "advice" may be viewed through the prism of wine being the preserve of patronising snobs.


Guy Woodward: keep wine writing simple, stupid

Published:  04 March, 2016

"Condensation and distillation." No, not the method for a new hipster gin being made in a Shoreditch loft - rather Hugh Johnson's description of his own writing style. 


Guy Woodward: Shifting focus to alcohol's social issues

Published:  05 February, 2016

I spent a few days in Qatar last month. Not a place that I expected to inform this column, but then travel is full of surprises.


Guy Woodward: The many reasons to be thankful for our wine press

Published:  08 January, 2016

When my name first started appearing at the top of this page each month, I promised myself there was one topic that I would strenuously avoid. Eighteen months in, I'm about to break that promise... 


Guy Woodward: Why aren't restaurants offering more wines by the glass?

Published:  30 October, 2015

Along, it seemed, with half the UK's wine press, I was at the launch of Les 110 de Taillevent in London's Cavendish Square last week. My verdict? Go - and be sure to order the crab ravioli. What was most notable about the night, though, was not the guest list or the menu, but that here was a major restaurant being launched off the back of its wine offering.