Bibendum PLB's beer and niche spirits trading arm Instil Drinks Company has incorporated PLB's extensive beer range into its portfolio, including its flagship Estrella Galicia.
Read more...Bargain Booze - the 500-strong franchised off-licence chain operated by Conviviality Retail - is investing in an app which will offer customer discounts.
Read more...Grey Goose vodka has taken over the full length of London's Bank Underground Station with the "largest piece of single advertising creative" in UK history in the run-up to Christmas.
Read more...If the wintry weather is getting you down, check out this list of top five wine holidays for 2015 from Diana Isac, the co-founder and chief executive of wine and food trave website Winerist. Maybe it's something to ask Santa for... How many can you tick off the list?
Read more...Single serve PET wine glass Zipz, which took the US by storm after securing the largest ever investment on the country's TV show Shark Tank, is aiming to hit UK shelves by the first quarter of 2015.
Read more..."Help us, help you" was the direct message laid down to the Chancellor by the wine and spirits industry at today's media launch of its new Drop the Duty campaign.
Read more...Tesco is planning on scrapping its complex system of supplier fees in a move that could shake up the grocery sector.
Read more...Wines from Argentina are enjoying a "unique time" in the UK market, and the country is putting in serious effort to drive growth, says the generic body's European head.
Read more...Sales of Prosecco are fizzing across the major retailers in the run-up to Christmas, with Tesco predicting one in three bottles of sparkling wine sold this year will be the Italian favourite.
Read more...A new registration scheme for alcohol wholesalers will be a "massive boost for legitimate traders and taxpayers", and a "positive step" for retailers, say trade bodies.
Read more...Pub and restaurant groups saw like-for-like sales grow 3.4% in November, marking the 20th consecutive month of growth for the sector.
Read more...A plethora of talented wine trade musicians is set to thrill the industry with a one-off barnstormer of a gig in aid of Comic Relief.
Read more...Spanish wine company Codorniu Raventos is still on the look-out for a UK managing director, after senior Diageo wine executive John Hearn failed to take up the post.
Read more...2015's Australia Day tasting will showcase more than 1,000 wines and offer a fresh take on food and wine pairings, say event organisers.
Read more...Seventy percent of all wines are traded at least once in bulk, says leading broker Daniel Murphy, who believes the UK trade needs to wake up to the reality of trading in bulk.
Read more...Independent London wine merchant Philglas & Swiggot has been bought over by Justin Knock MW and business partner Damien Jackman, backed by a consortium of investors from across the trade.
Read more...New Zealand's Yealands Wine Group is looking at funding options in order to fast-track expansion plans and increase its vineyard holdings.
Read more...Pernod Ricard UK has ramped up its anti-drink driving campaign this year after an AA Survey found that almost one fifth of drivers have driven the morning after drinking - even when they thought they could have been over the limit.
Read more...Tesco has issued a warning flagging full-year trading profit will not exceed £1.4 billion - 20% lower than analysts' expectations.