Published: 13 March, 2025
From Margaret River to Mendoza, Barolo to Burgundy, I’ve seen some picturesque vineyards in my time. The B58 Winery in Beaulieu was not one of them. Muddy, grey and damp, the scene that February morning would do nothing to dispel an outsider’s preconceptions of English wine.
Asking for rational trade-offs, Vagabond’s Stephen Finch voices the on-trade’s concern over the economic impact of shut-down and the 2 metre distancing rule.
Around the world, many governments have excelled in recent months, quickly imposing rigorous, e ective measures, and pu ing to one side economic and ideological concerns for the greater good. Others, by contrast, have focused on massaging the facts to suit their narrative and clinging to a preconceived agenda in the face of a gathering storm.
Published: 12 December, 2019
Nik Darlington from importer Graft, which specialises in supplying the London on-trade, says the South Western Railway strike alongside steep business rates and overbearing rents with could tip some hospitality businesses over the edge this Christmas…
Published: 18 September, 2018
We need to get wine brands right for the sake of the future of the category, argues Neil Anderson, marketing director, Kingsland Drinks.
Published: 21 August, 2018
With only two weeks to go until the 4 September final of the prestigious Louis Roederer International Wine Awards, Harpers columnists Tim Atkin MW and Guy Woodward are among the hopeful writers awaiting the final judging decisions.
Published: 24 November, 2017
In case you missed some of the headlines this week on, here’s a review of the top online news, analysis and opinion pieces.
Published: 02 February, 2017
With the Budget just around the corner and Brexit going full steam ahead, there has never been a more important time for your voice to be heard in Parliament, writes Tim Loughton MP
Published: 30 September, 2016
You can always rely on the wine trade to show a sense of perspective. As Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie prepare to eviscerate one another in the divorce courts, no doubt damaging the lives of their six children in the process, the question on everyone's lips is: what's going to happen to Château Miraval?
Published: 28 September, 2016
Until the 1990s Pico's wine heritage was little more than history. Few were prepared to take on the big financial and logistical challenges that come with making wine in this extraordinary volcanic terrain. Little wonder - this is like no other wine region I have ever visited, unsurprisingly denominated as a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 2004.
Published: 16 September, 2016
Wine has always been resistant to any format other than the classic 75cl bottle, but it has to start relaxing its approach to move forward
Published: 07 September, 2016
I'm in the market for a new car. Such a substantial purchase demands extensive research. Doubtless petrolheads would be in heaven at the prospect of debating fuel economy stats with like-minded car bores. For me, though, with my pitiful automotive knowledge, it is my worst nightmare.
Published: 05 September, 2016
Editor Andrew Catchpole argues that while wine quality is certaintly important it is not the only way customers buy, particularly when it comes to trying a new wine.
Published: 02 September, 2016
Tim Atkin MW looks at the challenges of running a generic body and how producers may often times have unrealistic expectations of a single person or job.
Published: 24 August, 2016
People working in the wine business arrive by different routes. Jerry Lockspeiser tells the tale of Jan Kaspar and how he came into the wine trade.
Published: 15 August, 2016
Guy Woodward challenges- is it too much to expect that leading British restaurants carry an English wine by the glass?
Published: 08 August, 2016
Miles Beale, the chief executive of the Wine and Spirits Trade Association, reminds us while opportunities and challenges lay ahead following the Brexit vote "this is not a time for knee-jerk reactions", but "it is also not a time to be left standing still either."
Published: 05 August, 2016
Liks so many industries the wine world is in flux and Tim Atkin challenges that may not be a bad thing.
Many of us in the wine trade rue the Brexit result. Some, including Tim Atkin in his recent Harpers piece, hope that it won't be implemented. I campaigned to Remain, twice writing in Harpers in support, the second time urging readers to join in before it was too late. Alas, now it is. The people have spoken
If there are two things that Brexit has taught us about the mindset of the consumer right now, it's that the prevailing mood is anti-establishment, and that, partly as a consequence, when it comes to communicating a message the detail is not as integral as the tone.