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Indies: Fighting fit?

Published:  17 January, 2022

Adaptability has been key for indies that have sought not just to survive, but to thrive, as Angela Mount reports.


Yuletide cheer

Published:  22 December, 2021

With supply and delivery issues forcing indies to be nimble and imaginative for the Christmas rush, Andrew Catchpole asked a trio of merchants how they prepared for the festive sales spike in such an unpredictable year.


Indies: Sustainable steps

Published:  10 December, 2021

With sustainability roaring back to the top of the agenda, Harpers surveyed the indie sector to discover what demonstrable initiatives, innovations and actions leading merchants have implemented on their green journey.


UK’s 50 Best Indies 2021: The Top 10

Published:  09 September, 2021

Welcome to the final release instalment of our UK’s 50 Best Indies 2021, featuring the chart-topping Top 10, along with all of those that have made it into the ranking this year.


50 Best Indies reveal begins

Published:  06 September, 2021

The big reveal of Harpers UK’s 50 Best Indies 2021 has begun, with the first tranche – 50 to 41 – available to stream on our website from 11am today (Monday 6 September).


Harpers 50 Best Indies 2021 – nominations invited

Published:  23 April, 2021

We are once again launching our annual 50 Best Indies Awards, to acknowledge the best in the business of indie drinks retailing.


Discover why Canada is the new cool kid in town

Published:  25 February, 2021

With cooler climate wines and off-piste finds high on the agenda of many quality-focused buyers, Harpers is teaming up with the High Commission of Canada in the United Kingdom to host a webinar exploring the exciting potential of Canadian wines in the UK market.


Brexit: Independence Day?

Published:  09 December, 2020

With the end of the Brexit transition now hurtling down the track, many indies may not be aware of quite how much post-1 January changes could affect their businesses, as Andrew Catchpole reports.


Reimagining the high street shop for drinks retailing

Published:  13 November, 2020

A renewed focused on shop-front retail has led to a rash of new openings, from Manchester to Birmingham and Surrey, writes Jo Gilbert.


Berkmann launches web portal for independent merchants

Published:  15 September, 2020

Berkmann Wine Cellars has launched an online resource for independent merchants featuring a tailored range of 300 wines.


50 Best Indies 2020

Published:  11 September, 2020

Padstow’s Bin Two has romped home for a second year running with top placing in our 50 Best Indies 2020 list.


50 Best Indies 2020 countdown is on

Published:  07 September, 2020

Join us as the annual Harpers 50 Best Indies awards are announced throughout this week (7 to 11 September), culminating in a live webinar with the top 10 on Friday as the final results are announced. 


50 Best Indies count down

Published:  20 August, 2020

Harpers 50 Best Indies awards will be announced throughout the week of 7 to 11 September, culminating in a live webinar with the top 10 on the Friday.


Shop Rioja is back this October

Published:  07 August, 2020

As cooler days and cosier nights roll in this autumn, Shop Rioja is once again calling on independent merchants to join its October campaign.


Harpers teams up with Loire Valley for indies promotion

Published:  25 June, 2020

Loire Valley Wines is once again to run its popular Independent Wine Merchant promotion this Autumn.


Bordeaux Wine Month opens up annual promo to on-trade

Published:  17 June, 2020

Bordeaux Wine Month will be back for its third annual outing this autumn, once again inviting the trade to have a shot at promoting the best from France’s flagship region.


A Taste of New York: Indie opportunities from the Empire State

Published:  26 May, 2020

With small production and a cool climate, New York State’s leading wine producers are looking to punch above their collective weight on the world stage, with the UK singled out as the ‘shop window’ to showcase its wares.


Online uplands: scaling the new heights

Published:  22 May, 2020

Moving to online sales has saved more than one drinks retailer in recent weeks and all the signs point to the model continuing, finds Andrew Catchpole.


Living with Lockdown – Daniel Lambert Wines

Published:  14 May, 2020

Agent-importer Daniel Lambert talks to Andrew Catchpole about bypassing critics and trade with live access to winemakers, the dangers of having all eggs in one basket and why its boom time for indies.


Generics respond to the pandemic: Wines of Argentina

Published:  23 April, 2020

In the fourth of our series on how the generic bodies are responding to the pandemic, Andrew Catchpole talks to Phil Crozier, brand ambassador UK & Europe, Wines of Argentina