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Cannes here I come!

Published:  24 October, 2008

I'm off to Cannes on Monday for the TFWA fair - otherwise known as the world's largest piss up.... sorry I mean duty free trade fair.

I'm off to Cannes on Monday for the TFWA fair - otherwise known as the world's largest piss up.... sorry I mean duty free trade fair.

Other than having to be up at around 3am for a ridiculously early flight to Nice (!!) I'm quite looking forward to it - this will be my first trip away for TalkingDrinks and if any of what I've learnt so far about the drinks industry applies (i.e. that you all work hard and play just as hard), then I am sure I am in for a good time as much as I am an informative one.

If any of you reading are heading that way yourself, look me up - I'll be the one dashing from stall to stall getting the latest on the drinks travel retail market (whilst maybe having a nosey at the odd perfume stall in my breaks...). I'll be online whilst I'm there at

In the meantime I'll be giving my liver a rest this weekend in preparation for the trip.... (ok, that's actually a lie - I'm at a birthday bash tonight and off to The Wine Show in Islington tomorrow...)

Claire Weekes
