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Published:  16 October, 2008

Last week we joined forces with Harpers to try to introduce some sanity to the public debate on alcohol, emphasising that the official figures, yes the Government's own figures, show alcohol consumption is going down.

Last week we joined forces with Harpers to try to introduce some sanity to the public debate on alcohol, emphasising that the official figures, yes the Government's own figures, show alcohol consumption is going down.

Let's hope the response from the industry translates into communication with MPs to persuade them to look at the facts when considering government policy proposals relating to alcohol.

We will have the public with us. Polls show that the ideas proposed by politicians like tax rises and increased regulation are widely opposed by the public. They not only think they are a bad idea, they do not think they would work. Yet, they are still not listened to.

That is why we have recently launched a new consumer website. The Drinkers Alliance ( will, for the first time, provide the ordinary drinker with a platform to share his/her views and, hopefully, influence decisions.

The more people who make their views known, the more representative the site will be - and the more impact it will have on those making decisions about alcohol policy. It will also, hopefully, be a way for the mainstream media to get a more balanced view of public opinion and to learn what is happening in towns and villages across the country.

We are simply providing the platform. It is the views of the majority of sensible drinkers we want to hear and whose voice has been left out of the discussions so far. I am sure if we hear these views, then we will come to more sensible decisions on the way forward over alcohol.

We in the industry can help the Drinkers Alliance get off to a good start. It needs your support.

Now is the time to make a difference.

This week we completed our submission to the Government consultation on alcohol policy.

But in a matter of weeks it is possible Ministers may propose measures that will have a direct impact on how you do business - from the labelling of products to the manner it which it is advertised and sold.

It could be bad for your customers and bad for your business. I know you care about both so please take the time to sign up to the Drinkers Alliance and pass it on to friends and colleagues.

Jeremy Beadles is chief executive of the Wine and Spirit Trade Association.
