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Potato for a pint, anyone?

Published:  15 August, 2008

It's not so much a case of the credit crunch as it is the credit munch down at the Pigs pub in Norfolk, where drinkers can exchange their home grown produce in return for free pints. And it sounds as if the idea is proving to be a win win situation - cash strapped locals are swapping their potatoes for pints, and the pub is gaining an excreasingly 'exotic' menu for its resaurant.

It's not so much a case of the credit crunch as it is the credit munch down at the Pigs pub in Norfolk, where drinkers can exchange their home grown produce in return for free pints. And it sounds as if the idea is proving to be a win win situation - cash strapped locals are swapping their potatoes for pints, and the pub is gaining an excreasingly 'exotic' menu for its resaurant.

I say 'exotic' - but that may not be quite the right word - according to head chef Tim Abbott, somebody has already offered him eight pairs of pigs testicles. Lovely!

Claire Weekes
