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My View: European reform will help French industry compete

Published:  18 January, 2007

In the immediate run-up to the LIWF, many people will be talking about the impact of the Common Market Organisation Reform on the European wine industry. So what about France?

And I would like to reassure the UK trade that this new framework will allow us to react according to your needs.

And it is with this in mind that VINIFLHOR* has further developed its strategy for French wines by initiating a new promotional campaign in the UK based around the new visual ident "French Wines, a touch of magic".

You will see this incorporated into the design of the Fast-Track to France stand. We want to encourage people to try our wines, to taste them and, I hope, to like them!

*Office National Interprofessionnel des Fruits et Lgumes, des Vins et de l'Horticulture (France's trade body for all AOC food/wine products)

Prsident du Conseil de Direction Filire Viti-Vinicole (French wine industry advisory board) at VINIFLHOR*.
