It is always interesting when people review, revamp or simply evolve anything which has been in place for a number of years.
We have evolved our brand statement and logo following a structured process but we never thought that full scale change would be necessary.
All the research we commissioned highlighted the need to move on the message: "The Riches of Clean Green Land". "Pure Discovery" repeatedly came through and retains the key fundamentals of our pure land, which people can discover.
We needed to evolve our statement to keep the momentum going while creating something which will work internationally in future. When you show anyone around the world the fern, the connection with New Zealand is strong.
There is no big budget behind the new look. It will be gradually introduced into New Zealand Winegrowers in the coming months - the first event in the UK will be our Edinburgh Annual Trade Tasting on October 23.
I'm proud of what we have achieved with the new branding. It has the backing of our board, our industry and our global partners. We will never keep everyone happy but it doesn't stop us trying.
We have a platform from which to grow New Zealand wine sales. Ultimately the market will decide, but we are more than ready for the challenges ahead.
Warren Adamson Director - UK & Europe New Zealand Winegrowers.