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James Davy: ‘Looking Back, Forging Ahead’

Published:  23 August, 2024

We continue our summer Q&A series with James Davy, chairman of Davy’s.

How has business been for you in the first half of 2024 and how do things compare to where you were last year?

There is no doubt the market is challenging. Our consumer channels (ecommerce and fine wine) are down on last year, predominantly driven by a smaller Bordeaux EP campaign. Thankfully our on-trade supply continues to buck the trend with LFL 10% growth so far this year.

How has the cost-of-living crisis played out across the year and what – if anything – have you been able to do to mitigate that?

Our B2C side started slowly and has gradually improved as the year has gone on. We have been more conscious of price and had to work hard at targeting customers with specific wines in mind. Reaching capacity for our events has also been challenging, reflecting the cost-of-living crisis.

What are you most proud of achieving this year? Have you managed to achieve any specific goals?

The addition of new producer Josep Grau (Montsant and Priorat), the wines are outstanding and already proving a hit. We held a wonderful trade tasting event at the Royal Over Seas League in June, with record numbers in attendance (we’ll hold another on the 29 October at Vintners Hall with different producers). Turning around the downward trend for web and telesales has been rewarding.

And what is the biggest cause for concern?

Rising costs, more taxes and the drink-less trend.

Specifically, what will be the likely impact on your business of the planned end of the temporary easement on wine duty on 1 February 2025?

More headaches to do with red tape (and the costs needed to manage it).

What are the biggest drinking trends at the moment, and how do you expect that to change going into the autumn?

I would normally say rosé, but if the summer stays the same it will turn into a problem come autumn. Otherwise, light fresh whites will move on to fuller styles and red sales will increase.

Any other predictions for the second half of the year?

For this calendar year, I see more of the same. There are too many unknowns in order to build a bigger picture right now.

Quick fire questions…

France, Italy or Spain? France

English fizz or Champagne? Champagne (sorry)

‘Normal’ or ‘natural’ wine? Normal

Brown or white spirits? Neither  

Mixologist or mix it at home? Don’t mix it

Sharing plates or structured meal? Sharing plates without sharing

Post-prandial preference? Port, Cognac, then sleep

Desert island treat? A cold beer
