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Appellation Marlborough Wine tightens certification standards

Published:  18 June, 2024

Since its inception in 2018, Appellation Marlborough Wine (AMW) has sought to preserve and enhance the quality reputation of Marlborough wines. In that time, the organisation has established stringent quality criteria for certification, advocating for tighter industry regulations at both local and national levels, and introducing the Wine Map of Marlborough, an essential tool for understanding the region’s diversity.

AMW’s current certification process mandates that wines be sourced exclusively from sustainably registered vineyards within the Marlborough region, bottled locally, and independently verified by an experienced tasting panel. This year, AMW members have unanimously agreed to further tighten these criteria by introducing a minimum sugar ripeness level. Except for fruit intended for low-alcohol products, all wines must be made from grapes exceeding 18 Brix at harvest, a standard comparable to European wine regions. Additionally, all AMW-certified wines must now come from a more limited area as delineated on the Wine Map of Marlborough.

“Now more than ever, consumers can be assured that every one of our AMW-certified wines is an authentic, quality expression of our region,” said AMW chairperson John Buchanan. “It’s a measure of our members' commitment, that this has been passed unanimously.”

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AMW holds trademarks in key global wine markets, distinguishing it from other new world certification practices. Wines bearing the AMW quality mark offer consumers several guarantees:

Origin: Wines are made from grapes 100% sourced from a clearly defined area within Marlborough

Authenticity: Wines must be bottled in New Zealand

Quality: All wines must meet minimum quality standards and undergo certification through an independent blind tasting process, ensuring they are true expressions of the region and varietal

Sustainability: Vineyards are certified by a recognised sustainable viticulture scheme
