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Avallen and Bon Coeur latest Sustainability Charter recruits

Published:  20 March, 2023

Avallen Spirits and Bon Coeur Fine Wines are the latest signatories to Harpers Sustainability Charter, bringing yet more momentum to the appetite for change across the UK drinks world.

Avallen, which describes itself as “a climate positive company with the environment at its core”, is one of a small number of spirits producers to achieve B-Corp accreditation.

Created as recently as 2019, this company has taken a firm lead on a wide swathe of sustainability-related issues, including embracing low-impact production methods and eco-friendly packaging.

    • Read more: Sustainability key motivator for Australian wine consumers

As an example on the social responsibility side, Avallen is currently gearing up for a ‘Celebrate her Community’ event, to take place in Edinburgh’s Uno Mas Bar on 27 March. This hospitality trade-focused event will centre on “what is being done to increase diversity in the industry, to be more sustainable and how to shine as a woman in hospitality in Scotland”.

Bon Coeur, meanwhile, has also already taken many steps to reduce its environmental impact and boost its social responsibility, being in the process of “building our Sustainability and Social Responsibility Plan, which will be incorporated into all aspects of our business”.

Recent and ongoing activities have been far reaching, ranging from the 48 solar panels installed at its Moor Park HQ to responsible portfolio sourcing (proactively selecting more sustainable suppliers to work with), by way of community-engaging initiatives such as support for Cardiac Risk in the Young and the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust.

“We strongly believe environmental stewardship is important to help reduce the effects of climate change and are pleased to work with wine producers and hospitality customers who share in our passion,” says Bon Coeur.

The company also reaches out to its customers, with the creation of its Bon Coeur Wine Academy in 2022 taking wine education to customers, building knowledge with “an emphasis on awareness of climate change, sustainability and social responsibility”.

Harpers is delighted to have such new signatories to its Sustainability Charter and looks forward to bringing more news of their progress and initiatives in our regular coverage and events.

The latest of these will be on Tuesday 18 April (10-11am), when Harpers will be partnering with consultant Jeremy Rockett of Rockett Science, to run a free online SME Sustainability Clinic, delivering advice to business owners and operators on how best to advance sustainability without access to the resources of larger companies.

To sign up for our free SME Sustainability Clinic webinar, click here.
