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The week that was

Published:  24 May, 2019

In case you missed some of the headlines this week on, here’s a review of the top online news, analysis, opinions and features.


Top news stories:
The collapse of Jamie Oliver’s restaurant chain was the talk of the town this week as the celebrity chef became the latest victim of the slump in casual dining that has hit the UK high street. 


Majestic looking for £100 million for its bricks and mortar stores also made the headlines.  


Elsewhere, it was all about London Wine Fair (LWF) and its performance in the second year with Hannah Tovey at the helm.   

Analysis and Insights: As Chris Foss, founder of Plumpton College’s Wine Division, prepares to depart for pastures new, we found out what the future holds for this rapidly evolving institution. 

Much further afield we looked at California’s refreshed identity following a recent tasting that convinced many that the Golden State is back on track.  

Plumpton: A new wine epicentre

California: Western promise


People and Opinion: Jerry Lockspeiser delved into the concept of perception in relation to wine. 

Elsewhere we caught up with new Hove eatery Wild Flor to hear all about how it is combining comfort dining with a distinct wine focus.  

Jerry Lockspeiser: Your wine probably does not exist

Q&A: Robert Maynard and James Thomson, Wild Flor