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Ostriches of a feather

Published:  18 January, 2007

I just read Nicolas Belfrage MW's and Franco Ziliani's entertaining column (Ostrich Friulano', Harpers, 8 July) on the Italians dragging their heels about deciding on an alternative name for their Tocai Friulano since the Hungarians have successfully objected to it.
Having just got to T (hooray) while updating the Oxford Companion to Wine for its third edition, due out next year (plug over), I wondered whether they have considered using either of the obvious synonyms for Tocai Friulano - Sauvignon Vert or Sauvignonasse?
I appreciate these names may not be very Italian', but they are very recognisable by modern wine drinkers, most of whom don't realise that the Chileans have been desperately replacing theirs with Sauvignon Blanc over the past few years.
Jancis Robinson MW, via e-mail

I just read Nicolas Belfrage MW?s and Franco Ziliani?s entertaining column (?Ostrich Friulano?, Harpers, 8 July) on the Italians dragging their heels about deciding on an alternative name for their Tocai Friulano since the Hungarians have successfully objected to it.

Having just got to T (hooray) while updating the Oxford Companion to Wine for its third edition, due out next year (plug over), I wondered whether they have considered using either of the obvious synonyms for Tocai Friulano ? Sauvignon Vert or Sauvignonasse?

I appreciate these names may not be very ?Italian?, but they are very recognisable by modern wine drinkers, most of whom don?t realise that the Chileans have been desperately replacing theirs with Sauvignon Blanc over the past few years.

Jancis Robinson MW, via e-mail
