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Spanish wines fastest growing in UK bars and restaurants

Published:  01 December, 2014

Spanish wines are the fastest growing in the UK on-trade - listings are up 25% in the last year - at the expense of French wines, whose listings have fallen by 11%.

That's according to the latest report into the UK on-trade wine market by Peter McAtamney's Wine Business Solutions.

The next fastest-growing country is Argentina, which has seen listings shoot up 12%, meaning it has now secured 5% of all UK listings.

On-trade wine listingsWine's share of listings in the on-trade by countrySource: Wine Business SolutionsWine Business Soltions report shows Spain performing strongly, while France and Chile see listings slump.

France has faced challenges as Champagne (down 11%) has been swapped for Prosecco (up 35%). However the Languedoc put in a strong performance and was France's fastest-growing on-trade wine, with listings up 11%.

New Zealand enjoyed its sixth consecutive year of growth - with listings up 4%. It is the only major supplier country to see sales increase over such a sustained period of time.

Meanwhile Chilean wines put in an unimpressive performance, coming second last after France, with listings down 10%, as more UK restaurants look to escape the under £20 per bottle segment of the market.

on-trade wine listings evolutionHow wine's on-trade share has changed in the past four years by countrySource: Wine Business Solutions

The Wine On-Premise UK 2014 rates UK distributors, highlights the most listed brands and styles, as well as which countries and regions perform best. It also shows breaks down restaurant prices by the bottle and glass and offers insight into how much business owners can expect to make from on-trade wine sales.

The report can be ordered online or through Peter McAtamney, priced £325.  
