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Nicholls awarded OBE

Published:  04 January, 2021

UK Hospitality (UKH) CEO Kate Nicholls has been awarded the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the New Year Honours list for her services to the hospitality sector.  


Nicholls: ‘Continuing to batter hospitality is not the answer’

Published:  15 December, 2020

UK Hospitality has branded London’s, and parts of Essex and Hertfordshire, move to Tier 3 as illogical, warning that businesses will be pushed towards failure and more jobs put at risk as a result.


Hancock confirms London to enter Tier 3

Published:  14 December, 2020

Matt Hancock has confirmed that London will move into Tier 3 Covid restrictions from Wednesday, alongside parts of Essex and Hertfordshire.  


Nicholls: 'ONS employment stats reinforce urgent need for targeted support’

Published:  10 November, 2020

UK Hospitality (UKH) has reiterated the need for additional support for the hospitality industry as ONS stats released today revealed that the UK unemployment rate has reached a four-year high. 


Relaxed takeaway regulations extended until March 2022

Published:  09 November, 2020

Relaxed regulations that allow bars, pubs and restaurants to sell takeaway food and alcohol have been extended until 2022, communities secretary Robert Jenrick has announced.


UKH survey suggests low level of transmission in hospitality sector

Published:  26 October, 2020

UK Hospitality (UKH) has released research suggesting that there is a low level of transmissions of Covid-19 in the hospitality sector. 


Industry estimates 750,000 job losses without ‘appropriate support’

Published:  19 October, 2020

Hospitality faces 750,000 job losses without urgent government support, according to the latest research conducted by CGA for UK Hospitality (UKH), the British Institute of Innkeeping (BII) and the British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA). 


Nicholls: ‘200,000 jobs could be lost this weekend’

Published:  16 October, 2020

Kate Nicholls, CEO of UK Hospitality (UKH), has warned that 200,000 hospitality jobs could be lost this weekend alone in central London as new Tier 2 restrictions are implemented. 


UKH: Additional extensive financial support crucial

Published:  12 October, 2020

UK Hospitality (UKH) has welcomed the new support for closed hospitality businesses but said that support for others must go further, repeating its call for a much more comprehensive package of support for the whole sector to cover rent and other overheads.  


UKH calls for rethink of 10pm curfew

Published:  06 October, 2020

Ahead of a possible vote in Parliament tomorrow, UK Hospitality (UKH) has urged MPs to rethink the 10pm curfew which is crippling hospitality businesses.


UKH: "Post-18 education support must target hospitality"

Published:  30 September, 2020

UK Hospitality (UKH) has welcomed the announcement that the government will expand post-18 education and training. 


Quarter of businesses think they will fail by end of year

Published:  24 September, 2020

Almost a quarter (23%) of hospitality businesses think their businesses will fail by the end of the year without further government support.


UKH: “Cumulative effect of new restrictions hugely damaging”

Published:  23 September, 2020

The industry has called on the government for immediate and wide-ranging support following the latest hospitality restrictions imposed on the on-trade. 


CEBR warns 10pm closure order could reverse economic recovery

Published:  22 September, 2020

The planned introduction of a 10pm closure order could reverse the country’s economic recovery, the Centre of Economics and Business Research (CEBR) has warned.


New 10pm closure order "another crushing blow”

Published:  22 September, 2020

UK Hospitality (UKH) has described the planned introduction of a 10pm closure order and compulsory table service for on-site sales across England as “another crushing blow” to the beleaguered industry. 


EOHO helps pull down inflation but sector still at risk of 'bloodbath'

Published:  16 September, 2020

The success of the government’s Eat Out to Help Out scheme in August helped push the UK inflation rate to a five-year low, according to data from the ONS.


Kate Nicholls, CEO, UK Hospitality

Published:  14 September, 2020

With hospitality one of the hardest hit sectors in the wake of the pandemic, the head of the leading trade organisation has no end of crucial issues to deal with. Kate Nicholls talks strategy to Lisa Riley


UKH calls for furlough extension as part of response to govt announcements

Published:  10 September, 2020

UK Hospitality (UKH) has called on the governement to extend the furlough scheme for the hospitality industry as part of its response to the new Covid measures. 


EOHO boosts Treasury coffers by £250m

Published:  09 September, 2020

The Eat to Help Out scheme (EOHO) directly benefitted the government to the tune of £250m, while also saving thousands of jobs in the pub and hospitality sector, according to new data.


UKH calls for campaign to save London

Published:  01 September, 2020

UK Hospitality (UKH) and more than 90 London-based hospitality business leaders have warned that unless there is a co-ordinated campaign to encourage tourists and office workers back to the capital, the sector is at “real risk of failure”.