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Game on 2021: Hospitality needs to come out fighting fit

Published:  14 January, 2021

The new edition of Harpers, out today, will reach readers hot on the heels of a parliamentary debate on the need for the creation of a minister for hospitality role in UK government. Resulting from the success of the Seat at the Table petition launched by hotelier Robin Hutson, of The Pig group and (formerly) Hotel du Vin fame, the proposal gained “an overwhelmingly positive response from all corners”, as reported by Harpers.


That’s it for 2020: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Harpers

Published:  17 December, 2020

As we teeter on the edge of 2021, a new year and a fresh shot at health and prosperity for the drinks trade, Harpers would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas break in whatever form that takes this year.


Jerry Lockspeiser: Britain 2021 – Fear or opportunity?

Published:  17 December, 2020

As we come to the end of this extraordinary year and look towards the future, are we filled with feelings of fear or opportunity, or a strange mix of both?


Trade goes digital with new app

Published:  14 December, 2020

Hospitality members’ club Trade has launched a free app for hospitality workers providing access to the community and perks beyond the walls of the Soho club, which closed its doors in March 2020. 


Brexit: Independence Day?

Published:  09 December, 2020

With the end of the Brexit transition now hurtling down the track, many indies may not be aware of quite how much post-1 January changes could affect their businesses, as Andrew Catchpole reports.


Tim Atkin MW: Adapting to survive

Published:  08 December, 2020

The numbers are terrifying. With the imminent closure of 124 Debenhams stores and the loss of 12,000 jobs, the high street has arguably suffered its highest-profile casualty since Woolworths back in 2009. Stir in the 13,000 Arcadia employees who are likely to swell the unemployment statistics before long – and the probable disappearance of Sir Philip Green’s Topshop, Burton and Dorothy Perkins brands – and we are contemplating a toxic brew.


WSTA webinar to offer indies “essential” advice on 1 January trading preparations

Published:  26 November, 2020

Fine wine and independent merchants are being invited to attend a free ‘Essential Preparations for 1 January Trading’ webinar hosted by the Wine & Spirit Association (WSTA) on 2 December.


Miles Beale: Trade deal will be within the week or not at all

Published:  25 November, 2020

Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) chief executive Miles Beale has said that the UK is likely to get ‘something or nothing’ in terms of a trade deal over the coming week, while insisting that a ‘deal is still better than no deal at all’.


Mixed news for hospitality in new English tier system

Published:  23 November, 2020

The 10pm curfew on pubs and restaurants is to be lifted when England comes out of lockdown on 2 December, the prime minister is expected to announce today.


Next stop: Brexit

Published:  17 November, 2020

The mandatory and cumbersome VI-1 forms may not be a legal requirement until next summer, but bureaucratic Brexit hurdles still await, writes James Lawrence


Guy Woodward: The language of wine needs to change

Published:  12 November, 2020

What’s the point of tasting notes? Who are they actually for? Who reaps the benefit, for example, of reading that a wine has notes of “gentian, elderflower, seaweed, mussels, salt spray, chicken stock, sage, fennel, peach kernel, lemon, alkali and wet stone”, as David Schildknecht’s highly attuned nose detected in the 2004 Riesling Steinriesler of Nikolaihof Wachau?


Diageo pivots Learning for Life to pandemic support

Published:  04 November, 2020

Diageo has repurposed its Learning for Life training programme to help support the on-trade through the ongoing Covid-19 crisis.


The cost of lockdown 2.0 in numbers

Published:  04 November, 2020

There’s no escaping the imminent impact of lockdown 2.0 on on-trade Christmas sales, even if we go back to the tiered system in December. 


Govt U-turn on pub lockdown sales

Published:  04 November, 2020

In a U-turn, the government has agreed to allow England’s pubs to sell takeaway alcohol during the national lockdown that begins on Thursday.


‘Shop out to help out’ scheme needed for small retailers

Published:  02 November, 2020

Extra help is needed to support small, independent retailers through a second lockdown, including a ‘Shop out to help out’ scheme and a cashflow windfall, it has been suggested.


UK retail lifts moribund global sales at Pernod Ricard

Published:  22 October, 2020

Drinks giant Pernod Ricard has seen its sales drop 6% in the first quarter of the financial year, though UK retail sales remain dynamic.


Bars and restaurants are footing the Covid bill

Published:  15 October, 2020

The government has made a meal out of eating out, with serious repercussions for the trade. Chris Losh reports


Bordeaux takes trade briefing online

Published:  06 October, 2020

Bordeaux Wines UK has become the latest marketing body to move its activities online.


Robust retail demand reverses fortunes at Diageo

Published:  29 September, 2020

Drinks giant Diageo has revealed that its outlook for the first half of the fiscal year 2021 has “improved since the year-end”, reversing a moribund earlier forecast for a year that has been rocked by Covid-19.


Mentzendorff makes strategic adjustments to a new norm

Published:  18 September, 2020

Andrew Catchpole talks to Mentzendorff boss Andrew Hawes pre and post-lockdown