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DeBortoli adds to Willowglen range

Published:  28 September, 2012

Two new additions to DeBortoli's Willowglen range are the Willowglen Pinot Grigio 2011 and Willowglen Gewürztraminer Riesling 2011 (rrp £7.29).


Julio Faustino Martinez receives award for brand expansion in Rioja

Published:  28 September, 2012

Julio Faustino Martinez of the Faustino Group has been awarded 'Personalidades Ilustres del Rioja', for his contribution to the expansion of the Rioja brand both in Spain and globally.


AdVini appoints UK trading director

Published:  26 September, 2012

France's third biggest wine group, AdVini, has appointed Phil Priest as its new UK trading director.


New blog series: Negociants UK Winemaker Tour

Published:  25 September, 2012

Six winemakers from Australia and New Zealand hit the road last week as Negociants embarked on its first ever UK winemaker tour, in order to re-establish close links with the trade. In the first of a new series, Virginia Willcock, chief winemaker at Vasse Felix in the Margaret River, blogs about her return to the UK and what's happening at the vineyard back home in Oz.


Anne Krebiehl blogs on the latest Booths Tasting

Published:  24 September, 2012

It's not often that regional merchants come to London to show their wares, but a rather popular north-western player, Booths, showcased 100 wines from its wine range at the Saatchi Gallery's Mess Room on Friday afternoon.


Virgin Wines launches the Rioja Experience

Published:  21 September, 2012

Virgin Wines has launched its second Virtual Winery, the Rioja Experience, where customers can become virtual winemakers and interactively help create a new wine.


'Business as usual' for Stratford's under Kingsland ownership

Published:  21 September, 2012

FE Barber, which trades as Kingsland Wine & Spirits and Legacy Wines, has acquired Stratford's Wine Agencies out of administration and has underlined that it is "business as usual".


Mike Matthews on the Wines of Chile Annual Tasting, September 13

Published:  20 September, 2012

The annual Wines of Chile trade tasting found itself settling in at its new home this week, the MCC, or Lord's to the rest of us. Over 80 exhibitors turned up to showcase just over 850 wines, including some familiar faces, Errazuriz, Cono Sur, Valdivieso, and some not so familiar faces, Junta, Quebrada de Macúl and, one of my favourites, Quintay. The last three wineries are seeking UK agents so please, at least, someone pick up Quintay.


First South African wineries to show new ethical seal at Cape Wine

Published:  19 September, 2012

The first 26 wines to be receive the new, traceable ethical seal in South Africa will be on show at next week's Cape Wine trade exhibition in Cape Town.


Bibendum confirms sale of Argento

Published:  17 September, 2012

Bibendum Wine has confirmed it has sold the Argento Wine Company to the Argentine group, Inversora Agroindustrial Sudamerican.


Beaujolais predicts low yields to match 2003 levels

Published:  13 September, 2012

Beaujolais is predicting a lower than average harvest for the 2012 vintage after repeated hail storms.


First South African wines to carry 'ethical seal' announced

Published:  13 September, 2012

The first wines to carry South Africa's new, fully traceable, ethical seal that protects employers against unfair discrimination, are to be showcased at Cape Wine 2012.


McWilliams to launch Weight Watchers endorsed wine range in the UK

Published:  10 September, 2012

Australian producer McWilliams is the first winery to sign an endorsement deal with Weight Watchers, the international diet programme, aimed at bringing lower alcohol wines to a new wider audience.


Sir George Fistonich to celebrate 50 years of Villa Maria with London event

Published:  10 September, 2012

Owner and managing director of Villa Maria, Sir George Fistonich, is to celebrate the winery's 50th Vintage with a roadshow of events including one in the UK.


Luis Felipe Edwards appoints Ehrmanns as off-trade representative

Published:  07 September, 2012

Ehrmanns has been appointed Luis Felipe Edwards UK representative for the off-trade and ecommerce.


At Your Service events - September and October

Published:  06 September, 2012

Find out more about all the latest on-trade events for September and October.


Pernod Ricard launches Malibu Red

Published:  05 September, 2012

Pernod Ricard has introduced Malibu Red to the UK market ahead of the run-up to the festive season.


Pernod Ricard launches Absolut Unique

Published:  04 September, 2012

Pernod Ricard UK has created 4 million individually designed and numbered bottles for its new limited edition Absolut Unique range.


Best year for Pernod Ricard since 2007/8, despite fall in UK sales

Published:  30 August, 2012

Pernod Ricard's annual results show its best growth since the financial crisis began - up 8% - although UK sales tumbled by 4%.


Rolling update: Wineries make harvest predictions

Published:  29 August, 2012

As September looms, the wine industry in the northern hemisphere is keeping an anxious eye on its crops, with many having experienced unusual weather conditions earlier this year.