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UKH: ‘GDP figures highlight importance of hospitality’

Published:  18 January, 2021

GDP figures for November, released last Friday, have highlighted the impact of hospitality on the UK’s economy and made the case for the sector to be “at the heart of reopening plans”, UK Hospitality (UKH) has said.     


Game on 2021: Hospitality needs to come out fighting fit

Published:  14 January, 2021

The new edition of Harpers, out today, will reach readers hot on the heels of a parliamentary debate on the need for the creation of a minister for hospitality role in UK government. Resulting from the success of the Seat at the Table petition launched by hotelier Robin Hutson, of The Pig group and (formerly) Hotel du Vin fame, the proposal gained “an overwhelmingly positive response from all corners”, as reported by Harpers.


Parliamentary hospitality debate shows cross-party sector support

Published:  12 January, 2021

The debate on whether to create a minister for hospitality in the UK government showed cross-party support for the struggling sector, with an overwhelmingly positive response from all corners.


Nicholls awarded OBE

Published:  04 January, 2021

UK Hospitality (UKH) CEO Kate Nicholls has been awarded the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the New Year Honours list for her services to the hospitality sector.  


Trade bodies call for revamp of alcohol duty system

Published:  01 December, 2020

UK Hospitality (UKH) and the British Institute of Innkeeping (BII) have called on the government to “revamp and simplify” the system of alcohol duty in order to boost businesses and deliver on the government’s public health initiatives.


Three quarters of hospitality businesses could close in 2021

Published:  19 November, 2020

Trade bodies have called for an adaptation of Tier restrictions as they warn almost three quarters of hospitality businesses could close without further government support.


Nicholls: 'ONS employment stats reinforce urgent need for targeted support’

Published:  10 November, 2020

UK Hospitality (UKH) has reiterated the need for additional support for the hospitality industry as ONS stats released today revealed that the UK unemployment rate has reached a four-year high. 


Relaxed takeaway regulations extended until March 2022

Published:  09 November, 2020

Relaxed regulations that allow bars, pubs and restaurants to sell takeaway food and alcohol have been extended until 2022, communities secretary Robert Jenrick has announced.


Furlough extension “wasted investment” without further support

Published:  06 November, 2020

Trade bodies have welcomed the extension of the Job Retention (furlough) Scheme (JRS) but warned that this alone is not enough to keep hospitality alive. 


Diageo pivots Learning for Life to pandemic support

Published:  04 November, 2020

Diageo has repurposed its Learning for Life training programme to help support the on-trade through the ongoing Covid-19 crisis.


Trade bodies demand six-month support package

Published:  04 November, 2020

A group of trade bodies have written to the Chancellor to call for a six-month support package to secure the future of British pubs, hospitality and its supply chain. 


Hospitality sales drop 48%

Published:  30 October, 2020

Sales in hospitality dropped by 48% in the third quarter of 2020, according to the latest Quarterly Tracker from UK Hospitality (UKH) and CGA.


Industry estimates 750,000 job losses without ‘appropriate support’

Published:  19 October, 2020

Hospitality faces 750,000 job losses without urgent government support, according to the latest research conducted by CGA for UK Hospitality (UKH), the British Institute of Innkeeping (BII) and the British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA). 


UKH: ‘£40m Scottish pot not enough’

Published:  16 October, 2020

UK Hospitality (UKH) has warned that the £40m pot of financial support provided by the Scottish government is not enough to keep the hospitality industry alive.


UKH: Additional extensive financial support crucial

Published:  12 October, 2020

UK Hospitality (UKH) has welcomed the new support for closed hospitality businesses but said that support for others must go further, repeating its call for a much more comprehensive package of support for the whole sector to cover rent and other overheads.  


UKH calls for rethink of 10pm curfew

Published:  06 October, 2020

Ahead of a possible vote in Parliament tomorrow, UK Hospitality (UKH) has urged MPs to rethink the 10pm curfew which is crippling hospitality businesses.


UKH: "Post-18 education support must target hospitality"

Published:  30 September, 2020

UK Hospitality (UKH) has welcomed the announcement that the government will expand post-18 education and training. 


On-trade groups less pessimistic but overall market confidence plunges

Published:  30 September, 2020

The number of on-trade business leaders feeling confident about the general market has dipped to just 9% — half the level in June (16%), and a fraction of the four-year high of 60% at the start of this year, according to the latest Business Confidence Survey from CGA and Fourth.


Trade bodies urge govt to provide more targeted support

Published:  24 September, 2020

Trade bodies have urged the government to provide more sector targeted support following Chancellor Sunak Rishi announcement of the Winter Economy Plan earlier today. 


UKH: “Cumulative effect of new restrictions hugely damaging”

Published:  23 September, 2020

The industry has called on the government for immediate and wide-ranging support following the latest hospitality restrictions imposed on the on-trade.