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One-month delay to restrictions lifting would cost hospitality £3bn

Published:  14 June, 2021

UK Hospitality (UKH) has warned that a one-month delay to Covid restrictions lifting would cost the hospitality sector around £3bn in sales.


Investment in hospitality sector slumps 14%

Published:  08 June, 2021

Business investment in the hospitality sector slumped 13.7% last year, trailing UK industry as a whole, according to the latest Office for National Statistics (ONS) data.


UKH: ‘Delay on further relaxation of restrictions will have devastating effect’

Published:  02 June, 2021

Any potential delay on further relaxation of restrictions this month would have a “devastating effect on an already-fragile hospitality sector”, Kate Nicholls, CEO of UK Hospitality (UKH) has said.


UKH urges English outlets to prepare for new business rates payments

Published:  01 June, 2021

UK Hospitality (UKH) has urged sector businesses in England to fully prepare for new business rates payments that will kick in from 1 July, with new bills expected to land in the coming weeks.


Glass half empty

Published:  12 May, 2021

Restrictions may be lifting but there’s still a long way to go to return the on-trade to health, as Andrew Catchpole reports.


Govt ditches on-trade BWS calorie labelling plans

Published:  12 May, 2021

The government has dropped plans to force hospitality businesses to list calorie content on alcoholic drinks, applying to both draught and pre-packaged offerings.


UKH pushes for further support

Published:  10 May, 2021

UK Hospitality (UKH) has called on the government to provide further support for the sector by improving access to capital and to stick to the roadmap of lifting all restrictions from 21 June. 


Over 330,000 hospitality jobs at risk if rent protections removed

Published:  05 May, 2021

Over 330,000 hospitality jobs are at risk if rent protections are removed this summer, with £2.5bn in rent debt hanging around the neck of the industry, UK Hospitality (UKH) has warned. 


Hospitality loses £80bn of sales in 12 months

Published:  04 May, 2021

A staggering £80.8bn of hospitality sales have been lost in the past 12 months, according to the latest edition of the UK Hospitality (UKH) Quarterly Tracker compiled with CGA.


Reopening guide issued to help businesses push back on incorrect enforcement

Published:  12 April, 2021

Hospitality trade bodies have published a one-page guide stating the key rules operators must follow to reopen safely and in accordance with government guidelines. 


Open for business

Published:  08 April, 2021

As the on-trade reopens there will still be many challenges to meet, but there is optimism down the road. Andrew Catchpole reports. 


UKH: ‘Vaccine passport scheme would create confusion and inequality’

Published:  25 March, 2021

UK Hospitality (UKH) has warned against the use of a vaccine passport scheme as a condition of removing restrictions for on-trade visits, branding it “unworkable”. 


Local authorities urged to support ‘forgotten businesses’

Published:  23 March, 2021

New guidance on the Additional Restrictions Grant has been announced by the government as the UK gears up to exit lockdown.


‘Tough times ahead’ for Scottish licensed hospitality sector

Published:  17 March, 2021

Trade bodies have expressed bitter disappointment after yesterday’s announcement by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon that bars, restaurants and cafés will not be able to serve alcohol indoors when the licensed hospitality industry reopens next month.


Scottish trade bodies provide government with route out of lockdown

Published:  15 March, 2021

Key Scottish trade bodies have joined forces to collectively provide the government with a route out of lockdown.


Govt extends pavement licences

Published:  09 March, 2021

The government has confirmed the automatic extension of pavement licences for a further 12 months to September 2022 as part of measures to support hospitality businesses in reopening safely. 


UKH urges sector to join Budget campaign

Published:  18 February, 2021

UK Hospitality (UKH) has called on the industry to make its voice heard to secure further VAT cut and business rates holiday. 


Pandemic cost hospitality £200m a day in 2020

Published:  28 January, 2021

Turnover for the hospitality sector dropped to less than half of 2019 levels in 2020, slipping by almost £72bn, which translates to nearly £200m a day, according to the latest edition of the UK Hospitality (UKH) and CGA Quarterly Tracker.


UKH: ‘GDP figures highlight importance of hospitality’

Published:  18 January, 2021

GDP figures for November, released last Friday, have highlighted the impact of hospitality on the UK’s economy and made the case for the sector to be “at the heart of reopening plans”, UK Hospitality (UKH) has said.     


Game on 2021: Hospitality needs to come out fighting fit

Published:  14 January, 2021

The new edition of Harpers, out today, will reach readers hot on the heels of a parliamentary debate on the need for the creation of a minister for hospitality role in UK government. Resulting from the success of the Seat at the Table petition launched by hotelier Robin Hutson, of The Pig group and (formerly) Hotel du Vin fame, the proposal gained “an overwhelmingly positive response from all corners”, as reported by Harpers.