Gin now one in every three bottles of spirit sold at Waitrose
Waitrose has revealed that its top selling three spirits are now all gin - knocking out Pimm's from the top three - as the gin boom continues to gain ground.
Read more...Waitrose has revealed that its top selling three spirits are now all gin - knocking out Pimm's from the top three - as the gin boom continues to gain ground.
Read more...Chilean wine brand Cono Sur is continuing to make huge gains in the UK market thanks to its official partnership with the Tour de France.
Read more...Ahead of the next month's Think Indie, Drink Indie event harpers.co.uk is conducting a survey to help gauge the health of the independent sector.
Read more...With UEFA Euro 2016 kicking off this weekend, drinks retailers could stand to gain an estimated £200 million in additional sales throughout the tournament.
Read more...It might seem like an obvious point that sommeliers and those working in the on-trade need to be able to help customers get the most out a wine list.
Read more...The eight annual World Gin Day, which is tomorrow 11 June, 2016, is set to host more than 70 different events around the globe.
Read more...Members club the Wine Society is seeing strong demand for Spanish wines thanks to a revolution in winemaking pushed by a new generation of vine aficionados.
Read more...Following three days of competition, Aidan Bowie of the Dandelyan bar in London was crowned the GB World Class Bartender 2016 and is set to represent the UK in World Class Global competition set to be held in Miami later this year.
Read more...Champagne de Castelnau is heading in a new ultra modern direction for its centenary with the launch of its first prestige cuvée.
Read more...Harpers columnist Guy Woodward used his column in this month's magazine to challenge the wine industry to be more inclusive and encouraging of female career development in all areas of the wine trade because ultimately it is good for business.
Read more...In case you missed some of the headlines this week on Harpers.co.uk, we have put together a review of the top online news and analysis stories for the drinks trade.
Read more...Tesco has confirmed it will be offloading Giraffe and the Turkish arm of its operations for an undisclosed sum.
Read more...Walker & Wodehouse is teaming up with Primrose Bakery to throw a street party to mark the Queen's 90th.
Read more...Improved Cognac sales and a big boost from a favourable foreign exchange helped to drive profits for Rémy Cointreau, which saw annual 2016 net profits soar 10.6%, beating expectations for the business.
Read more...The sale of Southern Comfort and Tuaca has bolstered a 2% drop in net sales for Jack Daniels owner Brown-Forman.
Read more...While Portugal is still most famous for its fortified wines, Portuguese still wines are gaining ground in the world of wine, but it has been a long road.
Read more...Tesco is expected to offload Giraffe and the Turkish arm of its operations in a move to concentrate on its core grocery business.
Read more...Premium brand 1724 Tonic Water has found a new UK distributor as it aims to gain ground in the growing premium tonic market.
Read more...The world's first M?ori-owned wine company has its sights set on breaking into the UK market with a 500-year plan to promote its wines and preserve the land.
Read more...Following a meeting last month, Loire Valley vineyard owners and producers came together to asses the damage of frost that hit several wine producing regions across France in late April and estimate that 20- 30% of the harvest may be lost.