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Hospitality sector welcomes relaxation of work from home rules in Scotland

Published:  26 January, 2022

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced yesterday (January 25) that office workers would be allowed to return to their desks from 31 January, a move that has been enthusiastically welcomed by the Scottish Licensed Trade Association.


Easing of testing restrictions 'shot in the arm' for hospitality sector

Published:  25 January, 2022

Yesterday's (24 January) announcement from the government that international visitors to the UK that are vaccinated against Covid-19 will no longer be required to test on arrival from February has been welcomed by UKHospitality.


Record-breaking weather means Champagne harvest will begin in August

Published:  27 July, 2018

The 2018 Champagne harvest will become only the fifth vintage in the last 15 years to begin in August, according to the Comité Champagne.