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Lord Maude to speak on new trading arrangements post-Brexit at WSTA conference

Published:  04 August, 2016

The former Minister for Trade and Minister for Europe, Lord Francis Maude, will be the keynote speaker at this year's WSTA Annual Conference, which will take 'Brexit and the changing shape of the industry' as its theme.


Insights: What could Brexit mean for bulk wine?

Published:  29 July, 2016

As the pound-to-Euro exchange rate takes a battering, bulk buying from the eurozone has suddenly become a less attractive prospect. What kind of impact will this have on both sides of the Channel?


Big Four's stalling growth "can't be blamed on Brexit"

Published:  29 July, 2016

The latest grocery share figures from Kantar Worldpanel, published for the 12 weeks ending 17 July 2016, show slow growth for the supermarket sector, with sales up just 0.1% compared to last year.


Diageo boss urges UK to protect Scotch

Published:  28 July, 2016

The chief executive of drinks giant Diageo has made a plea to UK governments to keep the Scotch market "healthy and competitive" in a post-Brexit climate.


Conviviality boss says Brexit won't impact future growth

Published:  20 July, 2016

The CEO of wholesale giant Convivality has said that the rapidly expanding business is well placed to avoid the sting of the Brexit beehive.


Jerry Lockspeiser: Lessons learnt from Brexit

Published:  19 July, 2016

Many of us in the wine trade rue the Brexit result. Some, including Tim Atkin in his recent Harpers piece, hope that it won't be implemented. I campaigned to Remain, twice writing in Harpers in support, the second time urging readers to join in before it was too late. Alas, now it is. The people have spoken


Insights: What does the currency rollercoaster mean for the UK wine trade?

Published:  19 July, 2016

Following the referendum vote and the UK voting to leave the European Union, currency has been in a state of flux. What could it mean for the trade in the long term?


Nielsen: Brexit shakes consumer sentiment

Published:  11 July, 2016

According to new Nieslen data, the sentiment that "Brexit will negatively impact the British economy" is now being held by almost two-thirds of shoppers, with younger consumers looking to tighten their financial belts.


Rabobank: EU Referendum outcome to have 'critical implications' for beverage sector

Published:  08 July, 2016

According to a new report released by Rabobank today, the results of the referendum vote "will have critical implications for the beverage sector, given the UK's role as both a major importer (e.g. wine) and major supplier (e.g. scotch)."


Tim Atkin: What will an EU exit mean for the wine trade?

Published:  08 July, 2016

What will Brexit mean for the wine business? In the traumatic week that has followed the referendum and the decision of 52% of voters to leave the European Union, the very question has seemed increasingly, almost fatuously, irrelevant.


Brexit: Hush Heath reports rising demand post referendum

Published:  06 July, 2016

An English wine producer is in talks with a major UK retailer to significantly increase supply as a direct result of Brexit.


Brexit uncertainty causes closures and U-turns in the on-trade

Published:  04 July, 2016

Economic uncertainty folloeing Britain's EU referendum has been cited as the main reason behind a celebrity chef's decision to withdraw from a restaurant development in Eastbourne and the closure of a fine-dinning restaurant in Harrogate.


Brexit: "Scots need to drink more Scotch"

Published:  01 July, 2016

A leading figure in global spirits branding has issued some advice to ensure the future prosperity of the Scotch whisky industry in a post-referendum market - to drink more Scotch domestically.


Italy soldiering on post-Brexit

Published:  29 June, 2016

Brexit loomed large over the Definitive Italian tasting in London's Royal Horticultural Halls yester


Brexit: S&P strips Britain of top AAA rating

Published:  28 June, 2016

Britain's economic status has been rocked following announcements from two top ratings agencies that they have stripped it of its top credit ratings.


Brexit: What's in store for Scotch whisky?

Published:  28 June, 2016

Diageo has said that protecting the long-term prosperity of its Scotch whisky is paramount following the referendum's shock result on Friday.


Brexit: Fine wine market "returning to normality"

Published:  27 June, 2016

The bottom line from fine wine trading platform Livex is that normality is creeping back into the market following the referendum's shock result on Friday.


Vin-X CEO talks up a potentially positive outcome for the trade from Brexit

Published:  24 June, 2016

Upbeat stories are thin on the ground following Brexit, but ex-City fine wine investment broker Peter Shakeshaft has presented an intriguing analysis of what may happen over the next couple of years


"Keep calm and carry on," says Hatch Mansfield MD

Published:  24 June, 2016

A top figure in the wine industry has cautioned the trade "not to over react".


Brexit: A good day for English wine?

Published:  24 June, 2016

English wine might be the only clear beneficiaries of today's referendum debacle as importers look to the domestic marketplace instead of the Eurozone.