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Berkmann research suggests 71% of diners plan to spend the same or more

Published:  29 June, 2020

New research by Berkmann Wine Cellars suggests that 71% of those who used to visit restaurants more than once a week will spend the same or more post lockdown.


Additional 145 million pints to be sold due to reduced ‘distancing’

Published:  24 June, 2020

CGA has calculated that 145 million additional pints of beer will be sold through the on-trade  as a result of the new 1 metre distancing rule, compared with what would have been sold with 2 metres.


Government publishes re-opening guide

Published:  24 June, 2020

The government has this morning published the re-opening guide for the hospitality industry.


Post-pandemic staffing

Published:  22 June, 2020

With a shortage of qualified on-trade staff an industry issue pre Covid-19, what will be the outcome for those that weather lockdown? Chris Losh reports.


Pre-registration and ordering apps considered for on-trade reopening

Published:  22 June, 2020

On-trade visitors may have to register before going to pub, bars and restaurants, health secretary Matt Hancock has suggested.


On-trade calls grow in urgency for clarity on reopening

Published:  16 June, 2020

As the tough balancing act between protecting health and promoting the economy dominates national debate, UK on-trade operators are becoming increasingly vocal on the need for government clarity ahead of reopening.


Sunak confirms “urgent comprehensive review” of 2 metre rule

Published:  15 June, 2020

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has confirmed PM Boris Johnson has ordered a “comprehensive review” on the 2 metre social distancing rule.


Soapbox: Stephen Finch on the 2 metre barrier to trade

Published:  08 June, 2020

Asking for rational trade-offs, Vagabond’s Stephen Finch voices the on-trade’s concern over the economic impact of shut-down and the 2 metre distancing rule.


‘Save summer six’ ministers press for 22 June on-trade reopening

Published:  08 June, 2020

Boris Johnson is understood to be close to agreement with a group of senior ministers to look at reopening the hospitality sector on 22 June.


Food & accommodation sectors have largest proportion furloughed

Published:  05 June, 2020

The extent to which lockdown has impacted on the UK hospitality sector has been thrown into sharp relief by the latest ONS (Office for National Statistics) figures.


Night trade poses biggest barrier to reopening on-premise

Published:  22 May, 2020

Packed pubs, standing-only bars and heaving nightclubs pose the biggest challenge to getting the struggling on-trade back on its feet, the IWSR has suggested.


On-trade operators should plan ‘relaunch', not ‘reopening’, ahead of 4 July

Published:  21 May, 2020

On-trade operators should “step away from emotion”, challenging themselves to think back to when they started their businesses and consider it a relaunch, not a reopening, when they once again open their doors.


US on-trade reopening gives near-future glimpse of path ahead for UK

Published:  21 May, 2020

Reduced food and drink ranges, continued off-trade sales, ongoing food take-out, plus the need for support from suppliers to ‘optimise drinks assortments’ are among the main takeaways from a recent Nielsen CGA survey of the US restaurant and bar sectors.


Shift to home cooking poses further threat to the on-trade

Published:  13 May, 2020

More time to spend cooking and access to creative culinary content online could pose a major hurdle to a restaurant industry which is now preparing to get back on its feet.


Hospitality industry sizes up ‘Independence Day’ on 4 July

Published:  12 May, 2020

With a liberation day on the horizon for the sleeping hospitality industry, the sector is now asking the big questions about what the end of lockdown will look like.


Suppliers seek clarity over support

Published:  07 May, 2020

Key suppliers to the shuttered on-trade have called on the government to help them survive Covid-19, pointing both to clarification on reopening measures and greater financial support.


A third of on-trade senior executives anticipate permanent closure

Published:  06 May, 2020

A third (32%) of senior executives anticipate the need to permanently close pub, bar and restaurant sites post-Covid-19, according to the latest CGA Business Confidence Survey.


Securing a rent break key concern for hospitality

Published:  01 May, 2020

Securing a time out on rent has come out as a key priority for Britain’s pubs, bars and restaurants as cashflow concerns top their agendas. 


Jascot’s pivots towards e-commerce amid Covid-19 angst

Published:  27 April, 2020

On-trade wine supplier Jascots has launched a full ecommerce site selling direct to consumers across the UK.


Joe Fattorini: Together we can change the world

Published:  27 April, 2020

“By May 1966, the plan to dam the Grand Canyon was all but enshrined in law. The bulldozers were already shattering the primordial peace, the scaffolding was up and the drilling had begun.” As one campaigner said: “The fight was lost. The dams had been approved. They were being supported by the Kennedy administration … and both houses of Congress.” His voice tinged with a despondency many of us have come to know in the past few weeks.