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Isa Bal steps up to chair Sommelier Wine Awards

Published:  02 October, 2023

Harpers and Imbibe Live are delighted to announce that Isa Bal MS is to head up the revived Sommelier Wine Awards competition (SWA).


Jerry Lockspeiser: Growth is central to business strategy. Is it time to change?

Published:  27 September, 2023

Many years ago I was asked to act as a strategic consultant to a Chilean wine business. They wanted help with reformulating their strategy, first to achieve break even, then to reach sustainable profitability. The business was 100% targeted at export markets, with the UK a key priority.


Chile ramps up focus on innovation at London tasting

Published:  15 September, 2023

First time visitors to this year’s Wines of Chile annual tasting in London could be forgiven for thinking that this is a country in a permanent state of evolution, often operating at the fringes of established viticulture to drive a rolling agenda of innovation.


Soapbox: Stirring up a duty storm

Published:  07 September, 2023

Bordeaux winemaker and British expat Gavin Quinney says UK duty is ‘even crazier’ than we first thought.


Looking Back, Forging Ahead Q&A: Harriet Kininmonth, Bibendum (C&C Group)

Published:  01 September, 2023

Midway through 2023, Harpers is taking stock of yet another turbulent year for the drinks trade, with plenty of highs and lows, so far. We begin to round off our series with Harriet Kininmonth, wine trading director at Bibendum (C&C Group), to find out how the year has gone so far, and what the remainder may bring.


Second outing for Quinta do Noval’s Terroir Series

Published:  25 August, 2023

Quinta do Noval has launched the second wine from their ultra-premium, limited edition Terroir Series – a collaboration between Carlos Agrellos, Noval’s technical director, and Christian Seely.


Jerry Lockspieser: Money can’t buy you love – or can it?

Published:  24 August, 2023

How should we respond when values we hold dear conflict with opportunities for business advantage or personal gain? How best to navigate conflicting aspirations?


Looking Back, Forging Ahead Q&A: Bella Babbit, NoMad London

Published:  21 August, 2023

Midway through 2023, Harpers is taking stock of yet another turbulent year for the drinks trade, with plenty of highs and lows, so far. We continue our series with Bella Babbit, wine director, NoMad London, to find out how the year as gone so far, and what the remainder may bring.


Looking Back, Forging Ahead Q&A: Mark Bedford, Caviste and The Spirits Room

Published:  16 August, 2023

Midway through 2023, Harpers is taking stock of yet another turbulent year for the drinks trade, with plenty of highs and lows, so far. We continue our series with Mark Bedford, owner and director, Caviste and The Spirits Room, to find out how the year as gone so far, and what the remainder may bring.


Thracians target UK market

Published:  15 August, 2023

The Ancient Thracian Lowlands PGI has launched a three-year campaign aimed at raising the profile of its wines in the UK.


Enotria & Coe welcomes new COO

Published:  15 August, 2023

Enotria & Coe has announced the appointment of Julian Momen as its new chief operating officer (COO), who has joined the company after holding several top jobs across the industry.


Profile: Wine Importers’ modern ambitions

Published:  15 August, 2023

Wine Importers’ Neil Renton gives Andrew Catchpole the low down on this Scottish stalwart’s plans.


Looking Back, Forging Ahead Q&A: Matteo Furlan, The Dorchester London

Published:  14 August, 2023

Mid way through 2023, Harpers is taking stock of yet another turbulent year for the drinks trade, with plenty of highs and lows, so far. We continue our series with Matteo Furlan, head of wines, The Dorchester London, to find out how the year as gone so far, and what the remainder may bring.


Lipstick effect brightens up sales of alcohol – until reality (duty) bites?

Published:  09 August, 2023

Economic depression tends to lead consumers to splash out on little luxuries. This is the idea behind the ‘lipstick effect’, coined by Estée Lauder’s Leonard Lauder to describe the rocketing rise of lipsticks in 2008, post the 9/11 attacks in New York and while global markets teetered on the brink of financial meltdown. By extension – and with the cost of living and wage stagnation pushing prices higher – alcohol still seems to fall within a comparatively ‘affordable luxury’ bracket.


Nick Gillett: How the duty rise reveals the lack of duty to business

Published:  08 August, 2023

It doesn’t seem to matter what flavour of government you have at the moment – when it comes to the spirits and hospitality industries, there’s a stench of incompetence. In Scotland we have the incredibly public failure of the DRS scheme, which, as a result, has wasted millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money. But don’t be fooled – it really is no better, south of the border. Westminster will raise you a cock up, in the form of the increased duty rates.


Over the line on duty

Published:  04 August, 2023

So, the deadline has come and gone – and despite an avalanche of criticism, including a letter sent by Hennings Wine owner Matt Hennings to his local MP in June, begging the government to wake up and smell the bonfire, the trade is now facing increases to the tune of 20% or 44p per 75cl bottle.


Looking Back, Forging Ahead Q&A: Vanessa Stolz, Restaurant Pine

Published:  02 August, 2023

Midway through 2023, Harpers is taking stock of yet another turbulent year for the drinks trade, with plenty of highs and lows, so far. We continue our series with Vanessa Stolz, head sommelier at Restaurant Pine, to find out how the year has gone so far, and what the remainder may bring.


Guy Woodward: Wine is about people more than grapes

Published:  11 July, 2023

Rarely have I tried to recall an email as quickly as I did after notifying a female contact that it would be great if she could find time to meet up, as I’d heard how busty she was these days.


Shaking it up with disruptive branding

Published:  30 June, 2023

Rowena Curlewis, head of design agency Denomination, extols the virtues of disruptive branding in a crowded wine and spirits world.


Five minutes with Frances Bentley, LWC

Published:  29 June, 2023

With turnover rising from £280m in 2019 to £530m last year, drinks wholesaler LWC has also been busy strengthening its wine offer. Andrew Catchpole catches up with wine buyer Frances Bentley for the lowdown.