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Trade calls Victoria Prentis out over VI-1 statement

Published:  25 February, 2021

An infuriated wine trade has today delivered an ‘unprecedented’ collective letter to Victoria Prentis MP, calling for the scrapping of VI-1 forms when the easement provision ends on 1 July.


Jerry Lockspeiser: Britain 2021 – Fear or opportunity?

Published:  17 December, 2020

As we come to the end of this extraordinary year and look towards the future, are we filled with feelings of fear or opportunity, or a strange mix of both?


Tim Atkin MW: Adapting to survive

Published:  08 December, 2020

The numbers are terrifying. With the imminent closure of 124 Debenhams stores and the loss of 12,000 jobs, the high street has arguably suffered its highest-profile casualty since Woolworths back in 2009. Stir in the 13,000 Arcadia employees who are likely to swell the unemployment statistics before long – and the probable disappearance of Sir Philip Green’s Topshop, Burton and Dorothy Perkins brands – and we are contemplating a toxic brew.


50 Best Indies count down

Published:  20 August, 2020

Harpers 50 Best Indies awards will be announced throughout the week of 7 to 11 September, culminating in a live webinar with the top 10 on the Friday.


Enotria & Coe bolstered by £6m investment

Published:  10 August, 2020

Leading on-trade supplier Enotria & Coe has received a major new investment.


Jerry Lockspeiser: Why I will never be late again

Published:  10 August, 2020

I had called a meeting – I think it was to discuss innovation. We were maybe eight people, all key players in their roles, and me, the boss. The meeting was due to start at 11am, but I was finishing another important task and I did not make it until 11.15, maybe 11.20. I made my apologies and we got underway.


Soapbox: Five steps toward wine industry diversity

Published:  05 August, 2020

Black wine professional Magnavai Janjo urges the trade to swap discomfort for progressive conversation and sustainable steps towards greater inclusivity. 


Kim Wilson: Back to Business Q&A

Published:  05 August, 2020

As the trade measures up to extraordinary times and swings into the height of summer, leading businesses and operators take stock of trading conditions in the new normal.


Bacchus to back The Drinks Trust

Published:  05 August, 2020

Wine trade runners from around the world are being encouraged to take part in a 50K Bacchus Sunrise Relay to raise money for The Drinks Trust on 6 September.


Strong support for return of physical tastings

Published:  13 July, 2020

Some 85% of wine professionals have said “yes” to wine tastings in response to a survey organised by leading UK wine PR agencies and generic bodies.


Economics of on-trade supply have “hit a brick wall”

Published:  10 July, 2020

The Covid-19 crisis has stripped bare the precarious economic situation of the on-trade and its supply-side, with a correction in the market necessary to improve profitability.


Wines from Spain London tasting postponed again

Published:  09 July, 2020

London’s annual Wines from Spain trade tasting has been pushed back once again, with its revised September date now pulled in the face of the ongoing Covid-19 crisis.


Jerry Lockspieser: looking in the rear view mirror at 30 years in wine (part 1)

Published:  30 June, 2020

In part one of Jerry Lockspieser’s latest two-part column, our ever-insightful columnist looks at how the ‘world outside wine’ has changed and the ramifications this has had over time on the business of wine.


Waking up to the whiteness of the trade

Published:  25 June, 2020

I was invited to write this blog following an email I sent Harper’s editor Andrew Catchpole expressing my disappointment over the magazine’s silence on race and diversity in the UK wine industry in light of the global Black Lives Matter movement following the murder of George Floyd.


AI proving ‘most exciting catalyser’ of wine innovation

Published:  18 June, 2020

The advance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) software is by far the most exciting catalyser of innovation in the wine industry, according to speakers at an Institute of Masters of Wine (IMW) webinar held yesterday (17 June).


European neighbours offer UK trade signs of post-lockdown optimism

Published:  11 June, 2020

Wine consumption in some of the UK’s nearest neighbouring markets looks to be steady, with consumers maintaining overall wine consumption as lockdowns ease.


Nick Juby passes away

Published:  19 May, 2020

Popular trade figure Nick Juby has passed away, losing his battle with cancer.


Lack of global sustainability standard impeding consumer buy-in

Published:  18 May, 2020

The absence of a coherent, joined-up global standard to measure producers’ progress on sustainability risks undermining communication on the good progress being made by the wine industry.


Pierre Mansour, The Wine Society, on trade as the crisis escalates

Published:  19 March, 2020

Pierre Mansour, head buyer at The Wine Society, speaks to Andrew Catchpole on the immediate impact of the crisis, managing the spike in sales, supply and virtual initiatives to keep members engaged.


WSTA in pan UK-EU talks to ensure GIs protected post Brexit

Published:  13 March, 2020

By January 2021, when Brexit comes into force, WSTA, the UK’s drinks lobby group, will no longer be a member of the pan-European wine trade body, CEEV. But ahead of further UK-EU trade talks, the two bodies are uniting once more to lobby for the continued smooth trade of wine across the English Channel.